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1. B. Sahraoui, Z. Sofiani, A. Migalska, I. Kityk, S. Tkaczyk, J. Berdowski, J. Fillaut, J. Perruchon, “Design and synthesis of C60 -TTF and ruthenium oligothienylacetylide complexes: new nanosized materials for nonlinear photo induced effects”, Proceedings of International Conference on Optoelectronics and Spectroscopy of Nano-structured Thin Films and Materials, 2-5 August 2004, Beijing, China, Edited by Yan Fang, p. 141.

2. G. Fabiś, Z. Sarbak, “Właściwości fizykochemiczne i katalityczne katalizatorów NiMo naniesionych na zeolity X, Y, mordenit i ZSM-5”, Materiały X OgólnopolskiegoMikrosympozjum Tematycznego “Adsorpcja i Kataliza w Ochronie Środowiska”, ISBN 83 – 921683 – 0 – 5, str. 197-208.

3. M. Krzesińska, B. Kwiecińska, B. Pilawa, S. Pusz, “Właściwości fizykochemiczne i strukturalne polskich węgli kamiennych o zróżnicowanym zakresie stopnia uwęglenia”,Materiay  XXVII Sympozjum nt. Geologia Formacji Węglonośnych Polski, AGH w Krakowie, 21-22 kwietnia 2004 r., str. 75-79.

4. M. Adamowska, A. Krztoń, M. Najbar, J. Camra, P. Da Costa, G. Djéga-Mariadassou, “Catalytic abatement of NOx in the presence of toluene on CeO2-ZrO2 based catalysts”, Proc. French-Polish Seminar JUMELAGE “Carbonaceous and Catalytic Materials for Environment”, Zakopane 2004, str. 221-228 (ISBN 83-916351-6-3).

5. Hynaux, C. Sayag, S. Suppan, J. Trawczyński, M. Lewandowski, A. Szymańska-Kolasa, G. Djéga-Mariadassou, “Existence of two types of active sites in hydrodefulfurization (HDS) of dibenzothiophene (DBT) over Mo2C/CBC”, Proc. French-Polish Seminar JUMELAGE “Carbonaceous and Catalytic Materials for Environment”, Zakopane 2004, str. 81-84 (ISBN 83-916351-6-3).

6. M. Lewandowski, A. Szymańska-Kolasa, C. Sayag, P. Da Costa, “Hydrogenation activity of bulk molybdenum carbide doped small amount of platinum
in hydrodenitrogenation and hydrodesulfurization reactions – preliminary results, Proc. rench-Polish Seminar JUMELAGE “Carbonaceous and Catalytic Materials for Environment”, Zakopane 2004, str.103-107 (ISBN 83-916351-6-3).

7. T. Moskwa, W. Domagala, A. Czardybon, B. Pilawa, M. Lapkowski, “ESR spectroelectro-chemistry of functionalised long side chain derivatives of PEDOT”,
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM 2004), University of Wollongong, 28 June to 2 July 2004, Publisher: University of Wollongong, Intelligent Polymer Research Institute, ISBN: 174128 061 3, 2 pages.

8. W. Turek, M Lapkowski, J. Debiec, A. Krowiak, “The catalytic activity of heteropolyacids incorporated into the polypyrrole matrix examined in different test reactions”, Proc. 5th International Symposium “Surface Heterogeneity Effects in Adsorption and Catalysis
on Solids”, 30 August-3 September 2004, Gdańsk, str. 188-190 (ISBN 83-920343-1-7).

9. M. Lapkowski, W. Turek, A Stolarczyk, J. Debiec, “EPR studies of chemisorption of oxygen on the polymeric catalysts doped with heteropolyacids”, Proc. 5th International Symposium “Surface Heterogeneity Effects in Adsorption and Catalysis on Solids”, 30 August-3 September 2004, Gdańsk, str. 191-193 (ISBN 83-920343-1-7).

10. S. Pusz, M. Krzesińska, B. Pilawa, A. Koszorek, R. Buszko, “The variability of physical characteristics of coke with a gradient of thermal conditions along the cross-section of coking chamber”, Materiały konferencyjne 30th International Cokemaking Conference,9-12 Nov. 2004, Malenovice, Czech Republic, wydane na CD, artykuł nr 10, str. 1-12.

11. M. Minkina, S. Pusz, L. Róg, “Maceral composition of coal and coke reactivity and strength”, Materiały konferencyjne 21st Annual Meeting of TSOP, 27.09-1.10.2004, Sydney, Australia, wydane na CD, pp.110-112.

12. A. Szymańska-Kolasa, M. Lewandowski, C. Sayag, G. Djéga-Mariadassou, “The kinetics of catalytic hydrodenitrogenation and hydrodesulphurization of model compounds over molybdenum and tungsten carbides”, Proc. French-Polish Seminar JUMELAGE “Carbonaceous and Catalytic Materials for Environment”, Zakopane 2004, str. 75-79 (ISBN 83-916351-6-3).

13. M. Guingouain, C. Sayag, A. Szymańska-Kolasa, M. Lewandowski, G. Djéga-Mariadassou, X. Van Haren, “Kinetic study and modelling of the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of 4,6-di-methyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT) over a molybdenum carbide”, Proc. French-Polish Seminar JUMELAGE “Carbonaceous and Catalytic Materials or Environment”, Zakopane, 2004, str. 83-89 (ISBN 83-916351-6-3).

14. R.D. Harbison, T. Stedeford, M. Banasik, C. Muro-Cacho “Toxicology and risk assessment of mold and mycotoxins from inhalation exposures”, Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Public Interest Environmental Conference, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, pp. 1-12 (2004).