1. T. Sentoukas, A. Foryś, A. Marcinkowski, Ł. Otulakowski, S. Pispas, B. Trzebicka, “Poly(oligoethylene glycol methacrylate) star-shaped copolymers with hydroxypropyl methacrylate cores”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2023, 224(1), 2200115
2. Y. Liu, H. Q. Ta, X. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Zhou, Q. Shi, M. Zeng, T. Gemming, B. Trzebicka, L. Fu, M. H. Rummeli, “Novel nanostructures suspended in graphene vacancies, edges and holes”, Science China Materials, 2023, 66(1), 35-50
3. M. Chountoulesi, D. R. Perinelli, A. Foryś, V. Chrysostomou, A. Kaminari, G. Bonacucina, B. Trzebicka, S. Pispas, C. Demetzos, “Development of stimuli-responsive lyotropic liquid crystalline nanoparticles targeting lysosomes: Physicochemical, morphological and drug release studies”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2023, 630, 122440
4. J. Tippabattini, K. Varaprasad, M. Godzierz, A. Hercog, G. Adamus, “Effect of molecular weight on the shape of polyethyleneimine capped CuO nanoparticles”, Materials Letters, 2023, 334, 133694
5. M. Śmiga‐Matuszowicz, J. Włodarczyk, M. Skorupa, D. Czerwińska‐Główka, K. Fołta, M. Pastusiak, M. Adamiec‐Organiściok, M. Skonieczna, R. Turczyn, M. Sobota, K. Krukiewicz, Biodegradable Scaffolds for Vascular Regeneration Based on Electrospun Poly(L‐Lactide‐co‐Glycolide)/Poly(Isosorbide Sebacate) Fibers, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24, 1190
6. B. Burtan-Gwizdala, M. Reben, J. Cisowski, R. Lisiecki, B. Jarząbek, A. Alshehri, K. I. Hussein, E. S. Yousef, “Enhanced Emission of Tellurite Glass Doped with Pr3+/Ho3+ and Their Applications”, Materials, 2023, 16, 925
7. B. Mendrek, N. Oleszko-Torbus, P. Teper, A. Kowalczuk, “Towards next generation polymer surfaces: Nano- and microlayers of star macromolecules and their design for applications in biology and medicine”, Progress in Polymer Science, 2023, 139, 101657
8. K. Bajdak-Rusinek, A. Fus-Kujawa, P. Buszman, D. Żyła-Uklejewicz, K. Jelonek, M. Musiał-Kulik, C. Fernandez, M. Michalak, K. George, J. Kasperczyk, P. Buszman, “SDF-1α-Releasing Microspheres Effectively Extend Stem Cell Homing after Myocardial Infarction”, Biomedicines, 2023, 11(2), 343
9. D. A. Blaj, M. Kowalczuk, c. Peptu, “Mass Spectrometry of Esterified Cyclodextrins”, Molecules, 2023, 28(5), 2001
10. M. Zawadzka, P. Nitschke, M. Musioł, M. Siwy, S. Pluczyk-Małek, D. Honisz, M. Łapkowski, “Naphthalene Phthalimide Derivatives as Model Compounds for Electrochromic Materials”, Molecules, 2023, 28(4), 1740
11. P. Teper, A. Celny, A. Kowalczuk, B. Mendrek, “Quaternized Poly(N,N′-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) Star Nanostructures in the Solution and on the Surface”, Polymers, 2023, 15(5), 1260
12. J. Myalski, M. Godzierz, K. Olszowska, U. Szeluga, S. Pusz, S. Roskosz, H. Myalska-Głowacka, A. Posmyk, “Glassy Carbon Open-Celled Foams as a Reinforcement in Polymer Matrix Composites Dedicated for Tribological Applications”, Materials, 2023, 16(5), 1805
13. E. Jonda, L. Łatka, M. Godzierz, A. Maciej, “Investigations of microstructure and corrosion resistance of WC-Co and WC-Cr3C2-Ni coatings deposited by HVOF on magnesium alloy substrates”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2023, 459, 129355
14. R. Motyka, K. Nastula, P. Pander, D. Honisz, M. Tomczyk, K. Erfurt, A. Blacha-Grzechnik, “S/Se-Terchalcogenophene-C60 Dyads: Synthesis and Characterization of Optical and Photosensitizing Properties”, Materials, 2023, 16(7), 2605
15. N. Śmigiel-Gac, A. Smola-Dmochowska, H. Janeczek, P. Dobrzyński, “Biodegradable Block Poly(ester amine)s with Pendant Hydroxyl Groups for Biomedical Applications”, Polymers, 2023, 15(6), 1473
16. Q. Shi, Y. Cheng, J. Wang, J. Zhou, H. Q. Ta, X. Lian, K. Kurtyka, B. Trzebicka, T. Gemming, M. H. Rümmeli, “Strain Regulating and Kinetics Accelerating of Micro-Sized Silicon Anodes via Dual-Size Hollow Graphitic Carbons Conductive Additives”, Small, 2023, 19(4), 2205284
17. M. Godzierz, P. Olesik, Ł. Otulakowski, T. Pawlik, K. Olszowska, P. Chaber, O. Masiuchok, H. Myalska-Głowacka, J. Smoleń, B. Toroń, P. Szperlich, U. Szeluga, S. Pusz, “Facile and highly efficient wet synthesis of nanocrystalline BiFeO3particles by reverse co-precipitation method”, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(8), 12126-12137
18. A. Utrata-Wesołek, B. Trzebicka, J. Polaczek, I. Radecka, M. Kowalczuk, “Polymeric Carriers for Delivery Systems in Biomedical Applications—In Memory of Professor Andrzej Dworak”, Polymers, 2023, 15, 1810
19. E. Jonda, L. Łatka, A. Maciej, M. Godzierz, K. Gołombek, A. Radziszewski, “Effect of spray distance on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of WC – based coatings sprayed by HVOF”, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 2023, 71(2), e144610
20. A. Smola-Dmochowska, K. Lewicka, A. Macyk, P. Rychter, E. Pamuła, P. Dobrzyński, “Biodegradable Polymers and Polymer Composites with Antibacterial Properties”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24(8), 7473
21. M. Parati, C. Philip, B. Mendrek, D. Townrow, I. Khalil, F. Tchuenbou-Magaia, M. Stanley, M. Kowalczuk, G. Adamus, I. Radecka, “A circular bioprocess application of algal-based substrate for Bacillus subtilis natto production of γ-PGA”, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2023, 11, 1158147
22. Y. Mamunya, O. Maruzhenko, R. Kolisnyk, M. Iurzhenko, A. Pylypenko, O. Masiuchok, M. Godzierz, I. Krivtsun, B. Trzebicka, S. Pruvost, “Pyroresistive Properties of Composites Based on HDPE and Carbon Fillers”, Polymers, 2023, 15(9), 2105
23. K. Olszowska, M. Godzierz, S. Pusz, J. Myalski, A. Kobyliukh, G. Georgiev, A. Posmyk, B. Tsyntsarski, U. Szeluga, “Development of epoxy composites with graphene nanoplatelets and micro-sized carbon foam: Morphology and thermal, mechanical and tribological properties”, Tribology International, 2023, 185, 108556
24. I. Pudełko, A. Moskwik, K. Kwiecień, S. Kriegseis, M. Krok-Borkowicz, K. Schickle, D. Ochońska, P. Dobrzyński, M. Brzychczy-Włoch, J. Gonzalez-Julian, E. Pamuła, “Porous Zirconia Scaffolds Functionalized with Calcium Phosphate Layers and PLGA Nanoparticles Loaded with Hydrophobic Gentamicin”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24(9), 8400
25. M. Bochenek, N. Oleszko-Torbus, M. Kowalczuk, W. Wałach, “Controlled “one-pot” block copolymerization of β-butyrolactone and oxiranes via quantitative active centers transformation”, European Polymer Journal, 2023, 194, 112116
26. M. Hasan, H. Q. Ta, S. Ullah, X. Yang, J. Luo, A. Bachmatiuk, T. Gemming, B. Trzebicka, A. Mahmood, M. Zeng, L. Liu, M. H. Rümmeli, “Crystal structure, synthesis and characterization of different chromium-based two-dimensional compounds”, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 16(8), 104973
27. A. Fus-Kujawa, B. Mendrek, K. Bajdak-Rusinek, N. Diak, K. Strzelec, E. Gutmajster, K. Janelt, A. Kowalczuk, A. Trybus, P. Rozwadowska, W. Wojakowski, K. Gawron, A. Sieron, “Gene-repaired iPS cells as novel approach for patient with Osteogenesis imperfecta”, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2023, 11, 1205122
28. J. Tippabattini, K. Varaprasad, G. Adamus, J. A. Jennings, J. D. Bumgardner, “Mannich Reaction: Review of Amine-Functionalized Lignin Derivatives and Their Applications”, ChemistrySelect, 2023, 8(15), e202204451
29. M. Palewicz, A. Sikora, T. Piasecki, E. Gacka, P. Nitschke, P. Gnida, B. Jarząbek, T. Gotszalk, “Determination of the Electrical Parameters of Iodine-Doped Polymer Solar Cells at the Macro- and Nanoscale for Indoor Applications”, Energies, 2023, 16(12), 4741
30. K. Mistewicz, T. K. Das, B. Nowacki, A. Smalcerz, H. J. Kim, S. Hajra, M. Godzierz, O. Masiuchok, “Bismuth sulfoiodide (BiSI) nanorods: synthesis, characterization, and photodetector application”, Scientific Reports, 2023, 13, 8800
31. T. Sentoukas, G. Charitou, J. Wagner, A. M. Wagemans, T. Moschakis, A. Papagiannopoulos, “Formation of nanoparticles from ethanol-denatured whey proteins”, Food Structure, 2023, 37, 100337
32. M. Karayianni, T. Sentoukas, A. Skandalis, N. Pippa, S. Pispas, “Chitosan-Based Nanoparticles for Nucleic Acid Delivery: Technological Aspects, Applications, and Future Perspectives”, Pharmaceutics, 2023, 15(7), 1849
33. J. Konieczkowska, M. Siwy, “Comprehensive investigations of trans-cis-trans isomerization in the solid state for azo polyimides”, Dyes and Pigments, 2023, 219, 111558
34. K. A. Bogdanowicz, W. Przybył, K. Dysz, A. Dylong, P. Gnida, E. Schab-Balcerzak, A. Kaim, A. Iwan, “Influence of imine symmetry and triphenylamine moieties on photovoltaic properties of BHJ organic solar cells”, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2023, 296, 116701
35. A. Borecka, J. Rech, H. Janeczek, J. Wilińska, J. Kasperczyk, M. Kobielarz, P. Grieb, A. Turek, “Development of the Latanoprost Solid Delivery System Based on Poly(l-lactide-co-glycolide-co-trimethylene carbonate) with Shape Memory for Glaucoma Treatment”, Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(13), 7562
36. Ł. Otulakowski, A. Klama-Baryła, A. Celny, M. Kasprów, A. Hercog, M. Godzierz, A. Sitkowska, S. Kadłubowski, M. Jaworska, E. Chmielik, B. Trzebicka, A. Utrata-Wesołek, “Laminar Biomaterial Composite of PVA Cryogel with Amnion as Potential Wound Dressing”, Polymers, 2023, 15(13), 2955
37. B. Hajduk, P. Jarka, H. Bednarski, T. Tański, “Variable Temperature Spectroscopic Ellipsometry as a Tool for Insight into the Optical Order in the P3HT:PC70BM and PC70BM Layers”, Polymers, 2023, 15(18), 3752
38. M. R. Khan, B. Jarząbek, “Optimization and Efficiency Enhancement of Modified Polymer Solar Cells”, Polymers, 2023, 15(18), 3674
39. Ł. Otulakowski, B. Trzebicka, “Aggregation of Thermoresponsive Polymethacrylates in a Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium and Its Salts”, Polymers, 2023, 15(17), 3587
40. J. Wilińska, A. Turek, J. Rech, H. Janeczek, M. Pastusiak, A. Kordyka, A. Borecka, M. Kobielarz, J. Kasperczyk, “Hot Melt Extrusion as a Formulation Method of Terpolymer Rods with Aripiprazole: A Preliminary Study”, Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(17), 9521
41. A. Olszówka-Myalska, P. Wrześniowski, P. Ostachowski, H. Myalska-Głowacka, M. Godzierz, D. Kuc, “Structural effects observed in rods fabricated from magnesium powder and multi-walled carbon nanotubes using different parameters of forward-backward rotating die extrusion (KOBO)”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 967, 171616
42. R. Malinowski, M. Musioł, K. Moraczewski, V. Krasinskyi, L. Szymańska, K. Bajer, “Long-term infl uence of soil environment conditions on the structure and selected properties of PLA packaging”, Archives of Environmental Protection, 2023, 49(3), 107-114
43. J. Pang, S. Peng, C. Hou, X. Wang, T. Wang, Y. Cao, W. Zhou, D. Sun, K. Wang, M. H. Rümmeli, G. Cuniberti & H. Liu, “Applications of MXenes in human-like sensors and actuators”, Nano Research, 2023, 16, 5767–5795
44. V. Gugleva, K. Ahchiyska, D. Georgieva, R. Mihaylova, S. Konstantinov, E. Dimitrov, N. Toncheva-Moncheva, S. Rangelov, A. Foryś, B. Trzebicka, D. Momekova, “Development, Characterization and Pharmacological Evaluation of Cannabidiol-Loaded Long Circulating Niosomes”, Pharmaceutics, 2023, 15(10), 2414
45. V. Talaniuk, M. Godzierz, A. Vashchuk, M. Iurhenko, P. Chaber, W. Sikorska, A. Kobyliukh, V. Demchenko, S. Rogalsky, U. Szeluga, G. Adamus, “Development of Polyhydroxybutyrate-Based Packaging Films and Methods to Their Ultrasonic Welding”, Materials, 2023, 16(20), 6617
46. K. Devi, A. Ramchaik, G. S. Chauhan, S. Ranote, S. Chauhan, K. Kumar, “Functionalization of Pristine Coconut Husk (Cocos nucifera) with Sodium Vinyl Sulfonate for Removal of Toxic Hg2+ Ions from Wastewater”, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2023, 234, 526
47. R. Mazurenko, S. Prokopenko, M. Godzierz, A. Hercog, S. Makhno, U. Szeluga, P. Gorbyk, B. Trzebicka, M. Kartel, “Synthesis of nanosized spinel ferrites MnFe2O4 on the surface of carbon nanotubes for the creation of polymer composites with enhanced microwave absorption capacity”, Applied Materials Today, 2023, 35, 101972
48. P. Kumari, B. Hajduk, H. Bednarski, P. Jarka, H. Janeczek, M. Łapkowski, “Exploring the Influence of P3HT on PTCA Crystallization and Phase Behavior in Thin Films”, Nanomaterials, 2023, 13(22), 2918
49. A. Balafouti, A. Foryś, B. Trzebicka, A. M. Gerardos, S. Pispas, “Anionic Hyperbranched Amphiphilic Polyelectrolytes as Nanocarriers for Antimicrobial Proteins and Peptides”, Materials, 2023, 16(24), 7702
50. N. Guzenko, M. Godzierz, K. Kurtyka, A. Hercog, K. Nocoń-Szmajda, A. Gawron, U. Szeluga, B. Trzebicka, R. Yang, M. H. Rümmeli, “Flexible Piezoresistive Polystyrene Composite Sensors Filled with Hollow 3D Graphitic Shells”, Polymers, 2023, 15(24), 4674
51. M. Liu, J. Liao, Y. Liu, L. Li, R. Wen, T. Hou, R. Ji, K. Wang, Z. Xing, D. Zheng, J. Yuan, F. Hu, Y. Tian, X. Wang, Y. Zhang, A. Bachmatiuk, M. H. Rümmeli, R. Zuo, Y. Hao, “Periodical Ripening for MOCVD Growth of Large 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Domains”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33, 2212773
52. K. Zeng, Y. Li, M. Tian, C. Wei, J. Yan, M. H. Rummeli, P. Strasser, R. Yang, “Molybdenum-leaching induced rapid surface reconstruction of amorphous/crystalline heterostructured trimetal oxides pre-catalyst for efficient water splitting and Zn-air batteries”, Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 60, 102806
53. Q. Li, J. Luo, M. H Rummeli, L. Liu, “Numerical investigation on the influence of the Soret effect on graphene growth in chemical vapor deposition”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2023, 614, 127253
54. J. Zhou, J. Wang, Q. Shi, X. Lian, Y. Liu, L. Liu, A. Bachmatiuk, J. Sun, R. Yang, J. Choi, M. H. Rümmeli, “Origin of enhanced stability of SiO anode via using carbon nanotubes”, Science China Materials, 2023, 66, 3461–3467
55. Q. Shi, C. Lu, Y. Cao, Y. Hao, A. Bachmatiuk, M. H. Rümmeli, “Recent developments in current collectors for lithium metal anodes”, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2023, 7, 1298-1311
56. J. Yan,T. Gu, R. Shi, X. Chen, M. H. Rümmeli, R. Yang, “Heteroatom sulfur-doping in single-atom Fe-NC catalysts for durable oxygen reduction reaction in both alkaline and acidic media”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11, 16180-16189
57. C. Lu, M. Tian, C. Wei, J. Zhou, M. H. Rümmeli, R. Yang, “Synergized N, P dual-doped 3D carbon host derived from filter paper for durable lithium metal anodes”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 632, 1-10
58. J. Pang, S. Peng, C. Hou, H. Zhao, Y. Fan, C. Ye, N. Zhang, T. Wang, Y. Cao, W. Zhou, D. Sun, K. Wang, M. H. Rümmeli, H. Liu, G. Cuniberti, “Applications of Graphene in Five Senses, Nervous System, and Artificial Muscles”, ACS Sensors, 2023, 8, 2, 482–514
59. K. Zeng, M. Chao, M. Tian, J. Yan, M. H. Rummeli, P. Strasser, R. Yang, “Atomically Dispersed Cerium Sites Immobilized on Vanadium Vacancies of Monolayer Nickel-Vanadium Layered Double Hydroxide: Accelerating Water Splitting Kinetics”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2308533
60. Y. Liu, G. Zhu, W. Xiong, Y. Jiang, M. H. Rümmeli, “Qunting Qu, Honghe Zheng. Constructing an organic artificial cathode electrolyte interphase of multi-functions on single-crystal LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode”, Electrochimica Acta, 2023, 437, 141474
61. C. Lu, Y. Wu, Y. Rong, H. Zhu, X. Chen, T. Gu, Z. Lu, M. H. Rummeli, R. Yang, “Dual-functional application of a metal-organic framework in high-performance all-solid-state lithium metal batteries”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 475, 146152
62. J. Zhang, X. Liu, M. Zhang, R. Zhang, H. Q. Ta., J. Sun, W. Wang, W. Zhu, T. Fang, K. Jia, X. Sun, X. Zhang, Y. Zhu, J. Shao, Y. Liu, X. Gao, Q. Yang, L. Sun, Q. Li, F. Liang, H. Chen, L. Zheng, F. Wang, W. Yin, X. Wei, J. Yin, T. Gemming, M. H. Rummeli, H. Liu, H. Peng, L. Lin, Z. Liu, “Fast synthesis of large-area bilayer graphene film on Cu”, Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 3199
63. J. Konieczkowska, A. Wasiak, A. Sobolewska, S. Bartkiewicz, J. G. Małecki, E. Schab-Balcerzak, Kinetics of the dark cis–trans isomerization of azobenzene and azo pyridine derivatives in ethanol and chloroform solutions, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 2023, 444, 114979
64. B. Tsyntsarski, A.Bouzekova-Penkova, U. Szeluga, G. Georgiev, P. Tzvetkov, D. Teodosiev, “SEM and EDX Study of Glassy Carbon Coatings after an Extende Stay on the International Space Station (ISS)”, Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 2023, 35, 165-173
65. E. Schab-Balcerzak, P. Gnida, “Modyfikacje ogniw barwnikowych w kierunku poprawy ich sprawności”, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2023, 10, DOI:10.15199/48.2023.10.50
66. S. Kotowicz, J. G. Małecki, J. Cytarska, A. Baranowska‑Łączkowska, M. Siwy, K. Z. Łączkowski, M. Szalkowski, S. Maćkowski, E. Schab‑Balcerzak, „Effect of N‑phenyl substituent on thermal, optical, electrochemical and luminescence properties of 3‑aminophthalimide derivatives”, Scientific Reports, 2023, 13, 19801
67. S. Kotowicz, D. Tavgeniene, R. Beresneviciute, E. Zaleckas, G. Krucaite, A. K. Pająk, M. Korzec, J. G. Małecki, M. Lipiński, S. Grigalevicius, E. Schab-Balcerzak, “Effect of substituent structure in fluorene based compounds: Experimental and theoretical study”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2023, 300, 122832