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On 27-28 June 2016, the international conference “Silesian Meetings on Polymer Materials” (POLYMAT2016) was held at the “Diament” hotel in Zabrze. It was organized by the Center for Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze. The conference was a continuation of the Gliwice Polymer Seminar organized in Silesia since 1995, the conference “Polymers on the Oder” POLYOR2011 and POLYMAT60, the largest meetings in Poland concerning the science of polymers and polymer materials.

The conference was organized under the auspices of the European Polymer Federation (EPF), in cooperation with the Committee of Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Gliwice and Opole Branches of the Polish Chemical Society and the Specialized Observatory of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials coordinated by the Marshal’s Office of the Silesian Voivodeship.

The aim of the conference was to create an opportunity to present and discuss the results of research on polymer materials, including nanomaterials with special properties.

The conference was opened by Prof. Andrzej Dworak – Director of the CMPW PAN, then Prof. Brigitte Voit took the floor – on behalf of the European Polymer Federation.

The conference was attended by 180 people representing: Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Spain, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey and Great Britain.

The conference program included lectures by 8 invited outstanding scientists in the field of polymers: Prof. Christopher Barner-Kowollik (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany): “Advanced light driven reaction protocols as powerful tools in macromolecular material design”, Prof. Richard Hoogenboom (Ghent University, Belgium): “Functional poly(2-oxazoline)s for biomaterials”, Prof. Jean-Francois Lutz (Institute Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France): “Sequences, codes and polymers”, Prof. Axel Müller (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany): “Multicompartment nanostructures of ABC triblock terpolymers inspired by the cell”, Prof. Stergios Pispas (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece): “Self-assembled nanostructures involving block polyelectrolytes”, Prof. Daniel Taton (University of Bordeaux, France): “Polymerization of methacrylic monomers induced by N-heterocyclic carbenes and by metal-free Lewis pairs”, Prof. Christo Tsvetanov (Institute of Polymers Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria): “Temperature-responsive polymer mesoglobules as templates for fabrication of nano-capsule carriers”, Prof. Yusuf Yagci (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey): “New photochemical approaches for macromolecular synthesis”.

The conference participants presented the results of their work in two poster sessions. The conference organizers and partners awarded prizes for the best posters in 3 categories:

1) the best poster presenting research results in the area of ​​advanced nanostructured materials, the award of the Polymers Section of the Polish Chemical Society for Agnieszka Z. Wilczewska, Karolina H. Markiewicz, Iwona Misztalewska for the paper entitled “Modification of magnetic nanoparticles with chelating corona”

2) the best poster presenting research carried out in cooperation between Institutions, the award of the Gliwice and Opole Branches of the Polish Chemical Society for A. Adamus, J. Komasa, S. Kadłubowski, P. Ulański, J. M. Rosiak, M. Kawecki, A. Klama-Baryła, M. Nowak, J. Glik, D. Kitala, W. Łabuś, A. Dworak, B. Trzebicka, R. Szweda for the paper entitled “Thermoresponsive poly[tri(ethylene glycol) monoethyl ether methacrylate]-peptide surfaces obtained by radiation grafting – synthesis and characterization”

3) the best poster presenting the characterization of polymeric materials using advanced techniques, the award of the Committee of Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences for Artur Krajent, Artur Rozanski for the paper entitled “The influence of cavitation phenomenon on selected properties during tensile deformation of polyethylene.”


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