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Grafika Journal Citation Reports


1. A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel, J. Konieczkowska, D. Szmigiel, K. Switkowski, M. Siwy, P. Kuszewski, E. Schab-Balcerzak „Photoinduced birefringence of novel azobenzene poly(esterimide)s; the effect of chromophore structure and excitation conditions”, Dyes and Pigments, 2015, 114, 151-157

2. M. Krok-Borkowicz, O. Musial, P. Kruczala, P. Dobrzynski, T.E.L. Douglas, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, E. Pamula „Biofunctionalization of poly(l-lactide-co-glycolide) by post-plasma grafting of 2-aminoethyl methacrylate and gelatin immobilization”, Materials Letters, 2015, 139, 344–347

3. J. Rydz, W. Sikorska, M. Kyulavska, D. Christova “Polyester-Based (Bio)degradable Polymers as Environmentally Friendly Materials for Sustainable Development”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16, 564-596

4. R. Szweda, D. Lipowska, J. Silberring, A. Dworak, B. Trzebicka „Polymers for peptide/protein arrays”, Polimery, 2015, 60(2), 75-86

5. I. Sava, S. Chisca, A. Wolinska-Grabczyk, A. Jankowski, M. Sava, E. Grabiec, M. Bruma “Synthesis and thermal, mechanical and gas permeation properties of aromatic polyimides containing different linkage groups”, Polymer International, 2015, 64, 154-164

6. Z. Mazurak, A. Wanic, J. Karolczak, M. Czaja, „The fluorescence decay times and quantum efficiencies of 1,4,5,8-naphthalisoimides”, Journal of Luminescence, 2015, 158, 103-109 

7. A. Jarczyk-Jedryka, K. Bijak, D. Sek, M. Siwy, M. Filapek, G. Malecki, S. Kula, G. Lewinska, E. M. Nowak, J. Sanetra, H. Janeczek, K. Smolarek, S. Mackowski, E. Schab-Balcerzak „Unsymmetrical and symmetrical azines toward application in organic photovoltaic”, Optical Materials, 2015, 39, 58-68 

8. J. Konieczkowska, E. Schab-Balcerzak, M. Siwy, K. Switkowski, A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel „Large and highly stable photoinduced birefringence in poly( amideimide)s with two azochromophores per structural unit”, Optical Materials, 2015, 39, 199-206

9. E. Schab-Balcerzak, B. Skorus, M. Siwy, H. Janeczek, A. Sobolewska, J. Konieczkowska, M. Wiacek „Characterization of poly(amic acid)s and resulted polyimides bearing azobenzene moieties including investigations of thermal imidization kinetic and photoinduced anisotropy”, Polymer International, 2015, 64(1), 76-87

10. Z. Mazurak, A. Wanic, M. Domański, B. Jarząbek, B. Kaczmarczyk, A. Konefał, M. Kądziołka-Gaweł, M. Czaja, „The effect of gamma irradiation on the fluorescence properties of 1,4,5,8-naphtalisoimides”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2015, 110, 67-71

11. I. Kwiecień, T. Bałakier, J. Jurczak, M. Kowalczuk, G. Adamus “Molecular architecture of novel potentially bioactive (co)oligoesters containing pesticide moieties established by electrospray ionization multistage mass spectrometry”, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2015, 29, 533-544

12. S. Pusz, U. Szeluga, B. Nagel, S. Czajkowska, H. Galina, J. Strzezik „The Influence of Structural Order of Anthracite Fillers on the Curing Behavior, Morphology, and Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Properties of Epoxy Composites”, Polymer Composites, 2015, 36(2), 336-347

13. A. Bachmatiuk, J. Zhao, S. M. Gorantla, I. G. Gonzales-Martinez, J. Wiedermann, Ch. Lee, J. Eckert, M. H. Rummeli „Low Voltage Transmission Electron Microscopy of Graphene”, Small, 2015, 11(5), 515-542

14. J. Brzeska, H. Janeczek, H. Janik, M. Kowalczuk, M. Rutkowska „Degradability in vitro of polyurethanes based on synthetic atactic poly[(R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate]”, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2015, 25, 117–125

15. U. Szeluga. B. Kumanek, B. Trzebicka „Synergy in hybrid polimer/nanocarbon composites. A review”, Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015, 73, 204-231

16. N. S. Koseva, J. Rydz, E. V. Stoyanova, V. A. Mitova „Hybrid protein-synthetic polymer nanoparticles for drug delivery, in: Protein and peptide nanoparticles for drug delivery”, Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, 2015, 98, 93-119

17. T. H. Nguyen, A. Łamacz, A. Krztoń, A. Ura, K. Chałupka, M. Nowosielska, J. Rynkowski, G. Djéga Mariadassou „Partial oxidation of methane over Ni/La2O3 bifunctional catalyst II. Global kinetics of methane total oxidation, dry reforming and partial oxidation”, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2015, 165, 389-398

18. W. Sikorska, M. Musiol, B. Nowak, J. Pajak, S. Labuzek, M. Kowalczuk, G. Adamus „Degradability of polylactide and its blend with poly[(R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate] in industrial composting and compost extract”, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2015, 101, 32-41

19. Z. Grobelny, M. Matlengiewicz, S. Golba,  J. Jurek-Suliga, A. S. Swinarew, K. Skrzeczyna, M. Michalak, B. Swinarew „Application of Dipotassium Glycoxides–Activated 18-Crown-6 for the Synthesis of Poly(propylene oxide) with Increased Molar Mass”, International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 2015, 20, 206–222

20. B. Grabowska, B. Pilch-Pitera, K. Kaczmarska, B. Trzebicka, B. Mendrek, D. Drożyński, P. Łątka „Właściwości kompozycji poli(kwas akrylowy)/ modyfikowana skrobia stosowanej jako nowe spoiwo polimerowe”, Polimery, 2015, 60(3), 179-185

21. N. Gutowska, P. Seliger, G. Andrijewski, M. Siwy, M. Małecka, J. Kusz „Single and double crown macrocyclic derivatives of cyclotriphosphazene as receptors of silver(I) ions†”, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 38435–38442

22. M. Adamowska-Teyssier, A. Krztoń, P. Da Costa, G. Djéga-Mariadassou „SCR NOx mechanistic study with a mixture of hydrocarbons representative of the exhaust gas from coal combustion over Rh/Ce0.62Zr0.38O2 catalyst”, Fuel, 2015, 150, 21-28

23. A. Turek, J. Kasperczyk, K. Jelonek, A. Borecka, H. Janeczek, M. Libera, A. Gruchlik, P. Dobrzyński “Thermal properties and morphology changes in degradation process of poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) matrices with risperidone”, Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2015, 17(1), 11-20

24. G. Predeanu, C. Panaitescu, M. Bălănescu, G. Bieg, A. G. Borrego, M. A. Diez, P. Hackley, B. Kwiecińska, M. Marques, M. Mastalerz, M. Misz-Kennan, S. Pusz, I. Suárez Ruiz, S. Rodrigues, A. K. Singh, A. K. Varma, A. Zdravkov, D. Životić „Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena in making steel electrodes, anodes and cathode blocks for the Microscopy of Carbon Materials Working Group of the ICCP”, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2015, 139, 63-79

25. M. Piechaczek, Ł. Smędowski, S. Pusz “Evaluation of the possibilities of application fractal analysis for characterization of fractal analysis for characterization of molecular arrangementof carbon deposits in comparision to conventional analysis methods”, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2015, 139, 40-48

26. J. W. Suwinski „1,4-Dinitro-1H-imidazoles”, ARKIVOC, 2015, Special Issue 2015(1), 97-135

27. N. Oleszko, A. Utrata-Wesołek, W. Wałach, M. Libera, A. Hercog, U. Szeluga, M. Domański, B. Trzebicka, A. Dworak „Crystallization of Poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) in Organic Solutions”, Macromolecules, 2015, 48, 1852-1859

28. J. Jaworska, K. Jelonek, M. Sobota, J. Kasperczyk, P. Dobrzynski, M. Musiał-Kulik, A. Smola-Dmochowska, H. Janeczek, B. Jarzabek “Shape-memory bioresorbable terpolymer composite with antirestenotic drug”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132(17), Article Number 41902

29. A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel, K. Switkowski, E. Schab-Balcerzak, D. Szmugiel “Photoinduced birefringence of azobenzene polimer at blue excitation wavelengths”, Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 2015, 119, 227-231

30. I. Kwiecień, I. Radecka, M. Kowalczuk, G. Adamus “Transesterification of PHA to Oligomers Covalently Bonded with (Bio)Active Compounds Containing Either Carboxyl or Hydroxyl Functionalities”, PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(3), Article Number e0120149

31. K. Jelonek, S. Li, X. Wu, J. Kasperczyk, A. Marcinkowski „Self-assembled filomicelles prepared from Polylactide/poly(ethylene glycol) block copolymers for anticancer drug delivery”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2015, 485(1-2), 357-364

32. P. Kubica, A. Wolinska-Grabczyk „Correlation between Cohesive Energy Density, Fractional Free Volume, and Gas Transport Properties of Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) Materials”, International Journal of Polymer Science, 2015, Article ID 861979

33. J. Brzeska, A. Heimowska, M. Morawska, A. Niepsuj, W. Sikorska, M. Kowalczuk, M. Rutkowska, „Kompozyty poliuretanu zawierającego poli([R,S]-3-hydroksymaślan) z chitozanem”, Polimery, 2015, 60(6), 391-395 

34. J. Pang, A. Bachmatiuk, L. Fu, C. Yan, M. Zeng, J. Wang, B. Trzebicka, T. Gemming, J. Eckert, M. Rümmeli „Oxidation as a Means to Remove Surface Contaminants on Cu Foil Prior to Graphene Growth by Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119(23), 13363-13368 

35. B.Trzebicka, E. Haladjova, Ł. Otulakowski, N. Oleszko, W. Wałach, M. Libera, S. Rangelov, A. Dworak „Hybrid Nanoparticles Obtained from Mixed Mesoglobules”, Polymer, 2015, 68, 65-73 

36. M. Musioł, H. Janeczek, S. Jurczyk, I. Kwiecień, M. Sobota, A. Marcinkowski, J. Rydz “(Bio)Degradation Studies of Degradable Polymer Composites with Jute in Different Environments”, Fibers and Polymers, 2015, 16(6), 1362-1369

37. I. H. Son, J. H. Park, S. Kwon, S. Park, M. H. Rümmeli, A. Bachmatiuk, H. J. Song, J. Ku, J. W. Choi, J. Choi, S. Doo, H. Chang, „Silicon carbide-free graphene growth on silicon for lithium-ion battery with high volumetric energy density”, Nature Communications, 2015, 6, Article number: 7393

38. K. Lewicka, P. Siemion, P. Kurcok „Chemical Modifications of Starch: Microwave Effect”, International Journal of Polymer Science, 2015, Article ID 867697

39. S. Kula, A. Szlapa, J. G. Malecki, A. Maroń, M. Matussek, E. Schab-Balcerzak, M. Siwy, M. Domanski, M. Sojka, W. Danikiewicz, S. Krompiec, M. Filapek „Synthesis and photophysical properties of novel multisubstituted benzene and naphthalene derivatives with high 2D-π-conjugation”, Optical Materials, 2015, 47, 118-128

40. M. Radlik, J. Strzezik, A. Krowiak, K. Kozieł, A. Krztoń, W. Turek „Study of the acid and redox properties of copper oxide supported on ceria-zirconia in isopropyl and t-butyl alcohol conversion”, Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis, 2015, 115(2), 741-758

41. A. Kudelko, M. Wróblowska, T. Jarosz, K. Łaba, M. Łapkowski „Synthesis, spectral characteristics and electrochemistry of symmetrically substituted hybrids derived from 2,5-bis(4-bromophenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole under Suzuki cross-coupling reaction”, ARKIVOC, 2015 (5), 287-302

42. A. Kopytynska-Kasperczyk, P. Dobrzynski, M. Pastusiak, B. Jarzabek, W. Prochwicz „Local delivery system of doxycycline hyclate based on ϵ-caprolactone copolymers for periodontitis treatment”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2015, 491, 335-344

43. J. Rydz, K. Wolna-Stypka, G. Adamus, H. Janeczek, M. Musioł, M. Sobota, A. Marcinkowski, A. Kržan, M. Kowalczuk „Forensic Engineering of Advanced Polymeric Materials. Part 1 – Degradation Studies of Polylactide Blends with Atactic Poly[(R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate] in Paraffin”, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, 2015, 29 (2), 247-259

44. B. Burtan-Gwizdala, M. Reben, J. Cisowski, R. Lisiecki, W. Ryba-Romanowski, B. Jarzabek, Z. Mazurak, N. Nosidlak, I. Grelowska “The influence of Pr3+ content on luminescence and optical behavior of TeO2–WO3–PbO–Lu2O3 glass”, Optical Materials, 2015, 47, 231-236

45. J. Pang, A. Bachmatiuk, L. Fu, R. G. Mendes, M. Libera, D. Placha, G. Martynkova, B. Trzebicka, T. Gemming, J. Eckert, M. Rümmeli, „Direct synthesis of graphene from adsorbed organic solvent molecules over copper”, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 60884-60891

46. Z. Hordyjewicz-Baran, J. Woch, E. Kuliszewska, J. Zimoch, M. Libera, A. Dworak, B. Trzebicka, Aggregation behavior of anionic sulfonate gemini surfactants with dodecylphenyl tails, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 484, 336-344

47. Y. Bao, H. De Keersmaecker, S. Corneillie, F. Yu, H. Mizuno, G. Zhang, J. Hofkens, B. Mendrek, A. Kowalczuk, M. Smet „Tunable Ratiometric Fluorescence Sensing of Intracellular pH by Aggregation-Induced Emission-Active Hyperbranched Polymer Nanoparticles”, Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 3450-3455

48. K. Laba, P. Data, P. Zassowski, P. Pander, M. Lapkowski, K. Pluta, A. P. Monkman, „Diquinoline Derivatives as Materials for Potential Optoelectronic Applications”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119, 13129-13137

49. J. Konieczkowska, E. Schab-Balcerzak „Azopolimery supramolekularne powstałe na bazie wiązań wodorowych”, Polimery, 2015, 60(7/8), 425-434

50. A. Bachmatiuk, J. J. Boeckl, H. Smith, I. Ibrahim, T. Gemming, S. Oswald, W. Kazmierczak, D. Makarov, O. G. Schmidt, J. Eckert, Lei Fu,  M. Rümmeli „Vertical Graphene Growth from Amorphous Carbon Films using Oxidizing Gases”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119, 17965-17970

51. G. Szafraniec-Gorol, A. Słodek, M. Filapek, B. Boharewicz, A. Iwan, M. Jaworska, L. Żur, M. Sołtys, J. Pisarska, I. Grudzka-Flak, S. Czajkowska, M. Sojka, W. Danikiewicz, S. Krompiec, „Novel iridium(III) complexes based on 2-(2,2’-bithien-5-yl)-quinoline. Synthesis, photophysical, photochemical and DFT studies”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 162, 498-508

52. A. Domagala, T. Jarosz, M. Lapkowski “Living on pyrrolic foundations – Advances in natural and artificial bioactive pyrrole derivatives”, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 100, 176-187

53. C. P. Constantin, M. D. Damaceanu, C. Varganici, A. Wolinska-Grabczyk, M. Bruma „Dielectric and gas transport properties of highly fluorinated polyimide blends”, High Performance Polymers, 2015, 27, 526-538

54. P. Data, R. Motyka, M. Lapkowski, J. Suwinski, A. P. Monkman „Spectroelectrochemical Analysis of Charge Carriers as a Way of Improving Poly(p‑phenylene)-Based Electrochromic Windows”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119(34), 20188-20200

55. L.M.N. Assis, J.R. Andrade, L.H.E. Santos, A.J. Motheo, B. Hajduk, M. Łapkowski, A. Pawlicka “Spectroscopic and microscopic study of Prussian blue film for electrochromic device application”, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 175, 176–183

56. P. Data, R. Motyka , M. Lapkowski, J. Suwinski, S. Jursenas, G. Kreiza, A. Miasojedovas, A.P. Monkman „Efficient p-phenylene based OLEDs with mixed interfacial exciplex emission”, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 182, 524–528

57. A. Dworak, D. Lipowska, D. Szweda, J. Suwinski, B. Trzebicka, R. Szweda, „Degradable polymeric nanoparticles by aggregation of thermoresponsive polymers and “click” chemistry”, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 16823-16833

58. J. Sun, Y. Chen, M. Kr. Priydarshi, Z. Chen, A. Bachmatiuk, Z. Zou, Z. Chen, X. Song, Y. Gao, M. H. Rümmeli, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu „Direct Chemical Vapor Deposition-Derived Graphene Glasses Targeting Wide Ranged Applications”, Nano Letters, 2015, 15(9), 5846–5854

59. R. G. Mendes, B. Koch, A. Bachmatiuk, X. Ma, S. Sanchez, C. Damm, O. G. Schmidt, T. Gemming, J.  Eckert, M. H. Rummeli „A size dependent evaluation of the cytotoxicity and uptake of nanographene oxide”, Journal of  Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3, 2522-2529

60. X. Song, J. Gao, Y. Nie, T. Gao, J. Sun, D. Ma, Q. Li, Y. Chen, C. Jin, A. Bachmatiuk, M. H. Rümmeli, F. Ding, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, „Chemical vapor deposition growth of large-scale hexagonal boron nitride with controllable orientation”, Nano Research, 2015, 8(10), 3164–3176

61. U. Szeluga, S. Pusz, B. Kumanek, S. Czajkowska, „Preparation and characterization of carbon foams derived from cyanate esters and cyanate/epoxy copolymers”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015, 122(1), 271-279

62. D. Sęk, M. Siwy, K. Bijak, M. Filapek, G. Malecki, E. M. Nowak, J. Sanetra, A. Jarczyk-Jedryka, K. Laba, M. Lapkowski, E. Schab-Balcerzak, „Optical and electrochemical properties of novel thermally stable Schiff bases bearing naphthalene unit”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 751, 128-136

63. P. Rychter, E. Pamula, A. Orchel, U. Posadowska, M. Krok-Borkowicz, A. Kaps, N. Smigiel-Gac, A. Smola, J. Kasperczyk, W. Prochwicz, P. Dobrzynski, „Scaffolds with shape memory behavior for the treatment of large bone defects”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2015, 103(11), 3503-3515

64. K. Laba, P. Data, P. Zassowski, K. Karon, M. Łapkowski, P. Wagner, D. L. Officer, G. G. Wallace „Electrochemically induced synthesis of poly(2,6-carbazole)”, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2015, 36, 1749-1755

65. J. Konieczkowska, M. Wojtowicz, A. Sobolewska, J. Noga, A. Jarczyk-Jedryka, A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel, E. Schab-Balcerzak „Thermal, optical and photoinduced properties of a series of homo and co-polyimides with two kinds of covalently bonded azo-dyes and their supramolecular counterparts”, Optical Materials, 2015, 48, 139-149

66. E. Schab-Balcerzak, M. Siwy, M. Filapek, S. Kula, J. G. Małecki, K. Łaba, M. Łapkowski, H. Janeczek, M. Domański „New core-substituted with electron-donating group 1,8-naphthalimides towards optoelectronic applications”, Journal of Luminescence, 2015, 166, 22-39

67. R. G. Jędrysiak, J. W. Suwiński, „ANRORC reactions of 3-methyl-1,4-dinitro-1H-pyrazole  with arylhydrazines”, ARKIVOC, 2015, VII, 63-76

68. J. Brzeska, A. Heimowska, W. Sikorska, L. Jasińska-Walc, M. Kowalczuk, M. Rutkowska, „Chemical and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Polyurethane/Polylactide Blends”, International Journal of Polymer Science, 2015, Article ID 795985

69. N. Oleszko, W. Wałach, A. Utrata-Wesolek, A. Kowalczuk, B. Trzebicka, A. Klama-Baryła, D. Hoff-Lenczewska, M. Kawecki, M. Lesiak, A. L. Sieron, A. Dworak “Controlling the crystallinity of thermoresponsive poly(2-oxazoline)-based nanolayers to cell adhesion and detachment”, Biomacromolecules, 2015, 16, 2805-2813

70. B. Mendrek, Ł. Sieroń, I. Żymełka-Miara, P. Binkiewicz, M. Libera, M. Smet, B. Trzebicka, A. L. Sieroń, A. Kowalczuk, A. Dworak, „Non-viral plasmid DNA carriers based on N,N’- dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate and di(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate star copolymers”, Biomacromolecules, 2015, 16, 3275-3285

71. E. Schab-Balcerzak, H. Flakus, A. Jarczyk-Jedryka, J. Konieczkowska, M. Siwy, K. Bijak, A. Sobolewska, J. Stumpe, „Photochromic supramolecular azopolyimides based on hydrogen bonds”, Optical Materials, 2015, 47, 501-511

72. S. Pluczyk, P. Zassowski, M. Lapkowski, E. Schab-Balcerzak, M. Grucela, „Comprehensive UV-Vis and EPR spectroelectrochemical characterization of ambipolar azomethinenaphthaldiimides”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 745, 14-21

73. M. Smoluch, M. Babij, D. Zuba, G. Schroeder, T. Gotszalk, J. Silberring, „Heat assisted sample introduction and determination of cannabinoids by dielectric barrier discharge ionization mass spectrometry”, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2015, 386, 32-36

74. P. Mielczarek, M. Smoluch, J. H. Kotlinska, K. Labuz, T. Gotszalk, M. Babij, P. Suder, J. Silberring, „Electrochemical generation of selegiline metabolites coupled to mass spectrometry”, Journal of Chromatography A, 2015, 1389, 96-103

75. M. Ceglowski, J. Kurczewska,  M. Smoluch, E. Reszke, J. Silberring, G. Schroeder, „Magnetic scavengers as carriers of analytes for flowing atmospheric pressure afterglow mass spectrometry (FAPA-MS)”, Analyst, 2015, 140 (17), 6138-6144

76. J. Ner, J. H. Kotlinska, J. Silberring, „Crypteins – An Overlooked Piece of Peptide Systems”, Current Protein & Peptide Science, 2015, 16(3), 203-218

77. A. Drabik, D. Ciolczyk-Wierzbicka, J. Dulinska-Litewka, A. Bodzon-Kulakowska, P. Suder, J. Silberring, P. Laidler „A comparative study of glycoproteomes in androgen-sensitive and -independent prostate cancer cell lines”, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 2015, 398 (1-2), 251-251

78. M. Maksymiak, R. Debowska, K. Bazela, A. Dzwigalowska, A. Orchel, K. Jelonek, B. Dolegowska, M. M. Kowalczuk, G. Adamus, „Designing of biodegradable and biocompatible release and delivery systems of selected antioxidants used in cosmetology”, Biomacromolecules, 2015, 6 (11), 3603-3612

79. K. Karon, M. Lapkowski, „Carbazole electrochemistry: a short review”, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2015, 19(9), 2601–2610

80. M. Wroblowska, A. Kudelko, M. Lapkowski, „Efficient Synthesis of Conjugated 1,3,4-Thiadiazole Hybrids through Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of 2,5-Bis(4-bromophenyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole with Boronic Acids”, Synlett, 2015, 15, 2127-2130

81. D. Zajac, J. Soloducho, T. Jarosz, M. Lapkowski, S. Roszak, „Conjugated silane-based arylenes as luminescent materials”, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 173, 105–116

82. P. Ledwon, J. R. Andrade, M. Lapkowski, A. Pawlicka, „Hydroxypropyl cellulose-based gel electrolyte for electrochromic devices”, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 159, 227–233

83. K. Karon, M. Lapkowski, A. Dabuliene, A. Tomkeviciene, N. Kostiv, J. V. Grazulevicius, „Spectroelectrochemical characterization of conducting polymers from star-shaped carbazole-triphenylamine compounds”, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 154, 119–127

84. S. Pluczyk, P. Zassowski, R. Rybakiewicz, M. Zagorska, M. Lapkowski, A. Pron, „UV-vis and EPR spectroelectrochemical investigations of triarylamine functionalized arylene bisimides”, RSC Advances, 2015, 5 (10), 7401-7412

85. H. T. Quang, A. Bachmatiuk, A. Dianat, F. Ortmann, J. Zhao, J. H. Warner, J. Eckert, G. Cuniberti, M. H. Rümmeli, „In-Situ Formation of Free-Standing Graphene-like Mono- and Bi- layer ZnO Membranes”, ACS Nano, 2015, 9(11), 11408-11413 

86. A. Brzeczek, P. Ledwon, P. Data, P. Zassowski, S. Golba, K. Walczak, M. Lapkowski, „Synthesis and properties of 1,3,5-tricarbazolylbenzenes with star-shaped architecture”, Dyes and Pigments, 2015, 113, 640-648

87. D. Gromadzki, P. Rychter, M. Uchman, D. Momekova, A. Marcinkowski, N. S. Koseva, M. El Fray, M. Marić, „Multifunctional Amphiphilic Nanoparticles Featuring (Bio)Degradable Core and Dual-Responsive Shell as Biomedical Platforms for Controlled Release”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 216(23), 2287–2301

88. K. Osadnik, J. Jaworska, „Analysis of omega-3 fatty acid content of polish fish oil drug and dietary supplements”, Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica-Drug Research, 2015, no. 114/15

89. R. Węgłowski, W. Piecek, A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel, J. Konieczkowska, E. Schab-Balcerzak, „Poly(esterimide) bearing azobenzene units as photoaligning layer for liquid crystals”, Optical Materials, 2015, 49, 224-229

90. B. Jarząbek, M. Wójtowicz, A. Wolińska-Grabczyk “Optical Studies of Poly(hydroxy imide) to Polybenzoxazole Thermal Rearrangement”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 216, 2377-2385

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