PROJECT 2021/41/N/ST5/03636
“Three-dimensional graphene materials for active anode platforms in lithium-ion batteries”
Project manager: MSc. Eng. Klaudia Kurtyka
Project implementation period: 03.02.2022-02.02.2025
The aim of the project is to investigate the role of free space inside 3D graphene spheres on the possibility of storing lithium ions in it during the charging and discharging processes of a lithium-ion battery and to develop an effective transport of lithium ions to and from free space.
The obtained research results will allow to determine the relationship between the empty space inside 3D graphene materials (3D graphene spheres) and the capacity of these structures. After conducting the proposed experiments, it is expected to obtain new, valuable information on the role of the volume and size of free space in the 3D graphene material and the role of the degree of structural defects on the capacity and efficiency of Li ion storage. The implementation of the proposed research will contribute to expanding knowledge about porous, three-dimensional graphene materials and will enable the synthesis of many new, innovative materials for use in lithium-ion batteries.