1. B. Jarząbek „Zastosowanie spektroskopii UV-VIS-NIR(T) do badań stabilności termicznej warstw polimerowych” [w:] Materiały Konferencyjne „Nauka i przemysł – metody spektroskopowe w praktyce, nowe wyzwania i możliwości”, red. Zbigniew Hubicki, Lublin 2014, tom 1, str. 469-472 (ISBN 978-83-939465-2-5 – tom.1, ISBN 978-83-939465-1-8 – całość)
2. B. Kaczmarczyk, A. Wanic „Badanie koniugacji grupy C=N z pierścieniem benzenowym w wybranych poliiminach i poliizoimidach metodą FTIR” [w:] Materiały Konferencyjne „Nauka i przemysł – metody spektroskopowe w praktyce, nowe wyzwania i możliwości”, red. Zbigniew Hubicki, Lublin 2014, tom 1, str. 493-496 (ISBN 978-83-939465-2-5 – tom.1, ISBN 978-83-939465-1-8 – całość)
3. B. Nagel, I. Racheva, B. Tsyntsarski, U. Szeluga, S. Pusz, S. Czajkowska, B. Petrova, T. Budinova, N. Petrov “Characteristics of carbon foams from by-products of commercial polyethylene production”, Conference Proceedings International Scientific GeoConferences 14th SGEM 2014, Book 6, Vol. 1. Micro and nano technologies. Advanced in biotechnology, pp. 19-24, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2014B61
4. U. Szeluga, S. Pusz, B. Nagel, S. Czajkowska, B. Mossety-Leszczak, H. Galina “Epoxy/carbon composites. the curing behaviour and morphology depended on the degree of structure order”, Conference Proceedings International Scientific GeoConferences 14th SGEM 2014, Book 6, Vol. 1. Micro and nano technologies. Advanced in biotechnology, pp. 69-75, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2014B61
5. S. Pusz, U. Szeluga, B. Nagel, S. Czajkowska, J. Myalski “Morphology and thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy composites with glassy carbon”, Conference Proceedings International Scientific GeoConferences 14th SGEM 2014, Book 6, Vol. 1. Micro and nano technologies. Advanced in biotechnology, pp. 121-127, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2014B61
6. S. Pusz “Forms and distribution of sulphur and sulphur-containing minerals as related to the environments of coal deposition in easter part of the Upper Silesian coal basin – Poland”, Conference Proceedings International Scientific GeoConferences 14th SGEM 2014 Book 1, Vol. 1. Science and Technology in Geology, Exploring and Minning, pp. 93-100, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2014B11
7. J. Rydz, W. Sikorska, M. Musioł, H. Janeczek, M. Sobota, B. Zawidlak-Węgrzyńska, I. Kwiecień, M. Kyulavska, N. Koseva, D. Christova “Degradation of PLA-based (nano)composites in different environments, [in:] Nanostructured materials application and innovation transfer, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Issue 14, E. Balabanova, E. Mileva (eds.), BPS Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014, pp. 109-111; ISSN 1313-8995
8. M. Kawalec, M. Sobota, Ł. Chwaliński, P. Kurcok, A. Szydło, A. Sieroń, J. Rydz “Nonwoven poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) scaffolds for tissue engineering”, [in:] Nanostructured materials application and innovation transfer, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Issue 14, E. Balabanova, E. Mileva (eds.), BPS Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014, pp. 157-158; ISSN 1313-8995
9. A. Domagala, M. Lapkowski, P. Kurcok “Physicochemical properties of new electroactive, biocompatible polymeric materials”, [in:] Conference Proceeding of 10th International Symposium and Environmental Exhibition (Going Green – CARE INNOVATION 2014 Conference), Austrian Society for Systems Engineering and Automation, Vienna, Austria, 2014, p.049; www.care-electronics.net/CI2014
10. A. Miniewicz, L. Sznitko, E. N. Szlapa, P. Karpinski, A. C. Mitus, G. Pawlik, E. Schab-Balcerzak, „Laser inscription of surface structures and induction of optical anisotropy in azo-benzene substituted photochromic polymers and other systems”, Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 8983, 2014, Article number 89830L, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XVI; San Francisco, CA; Stany Zjednoczone; 3-5.02.2014 r. ISBN:978-0-8194-9896-0