2017 r.
P. Dobrzyński “Application of biodegradable terpolymers with shape memory properties as a material for formation vascular stents by injection molding method”, Forum on Polymeric Biomaterials, Taishan Academic Forum, November 2017, Qingdao, China
J. Kasperczyk “Aliphatic biodegradable copolyesters and copolyetecarbonates: from Chain microstructure to medical applications Forum on Polymeric Biomaterials”, Taishan Academic Forum, November 2017, Qingdao, China
M. Kowalczuk “Multistage mass spectrometry for characterization of bioactive oligoesters”, 4th World Congress on Mass Spectrometry, June 19-21, 2017, London, Great Britain
M. Kwiecień, P. Chaber, M. Morris, I. Radecka, M. Kowalczuk, G. Adamus “Polyhydroxualcanoates as precursors for synthesis of new high added-value polymeric biomaterials”, 9th European Symposium on Biopolymers, ESBP 2017, July 5-7, 2017, Toulouse, France
M. Kowalczuk “Forensic engineering of advanced biopolymer materials”, 9th European Symposium on Biopolymers, ESBP 2017, July 5-7, 2017, Toulouse, France
M. Kowalczuk “Molecular level structure studies towards forensic engineering of advanced polymeric materials”, 2nd Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting, September 5-8, 2017, Vienna, Austria
M. Kowalczuk “Forensic engineering of advanced polymeric materials”, 1st International Caparica Conference in Translational Forensics, November 20-23 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
M. Lapkowski, S. Pluczyk, P. Zassowski, P. Audebert “Electroactive Triphenylamine- s-Tetrazine Derivatives and its Polymers with Unusually Properties”, AMN-8 Conference, February 12-16, 2017, Queenstown, New Zealand
M. Łapkowski, S. Pluczyk, P. Zassowski, P. Audebert, P. Wagner “Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical Investigations of bipolar organic materials for optoelectronic applications”, 4th International Workshop on Nano- and Biophotonics, IWNBP 2017, September 24-29, 2017, Vogue, France
Andrzej Dworak “Amphiphilic and thermoresponsive polymers – synthesis, self organization and applications”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, September 20 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria
M. Musioł, S. Jurczyk, M. Sobota, M. Klim, A. Hercog, H. Janeczek, J. Rydz “Degradation of eco-composites in different environments”, Institute of Polymers of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, November 13, 2017, Bratislava, Slovakia
M. Kawalec “Aliphatic polyesters and polycarbonates – synthesis and functionalisation”, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, August 2, 2017, Veszprem, Hungary, and Research Centre for Natural Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, August 3, 2017, Budapest, Hungary
M. Kowalczuk “Mass spectrometry for sequence analysis of natural and synthetic biodegradable (co)polymers”, University de Bretagne, January 9, 2017, Brest, France
M. Łapkowski “Electrochemical characterization of bipolar organic molecules for electronic and optoelectronic applications”, Centre d’Études Nucléaires de Grenoble, July 18, 2017, Grenoble, France,
A. Dworak, B. Trzebicka “Polymer materials for medicine – research in the Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences”, 6th Young European Scientists Workshop, September 3-6, 2017, Łódź
A. Dworak “Materials for medicine and environmental protection – works of the Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences”, Seminar of the Centre of New Technologies UAM, July 26, 2017, Poznań
A. Bachmatiuk, H. T. Quang, A. Siudzinska, S. Gorantla, M. H. Rummeli “In-situ HR-TEM observations of 2D materials”, XVI International Conference on Electron Microscopy, September 10-13, 2017, Jachranka
P. Kurcok, G. Adamus, I. Radecka, M. Kowlaczuk “New bioactive oligomers from natural PHAs and their synthetic analogues”, 12th International Conference Advances in Plastics Technology, November 14-16, 2017, Sosnowiec
E. Schab-Balcerzak, J. Konieczkowska, A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel “Azopolyimides – structural elements and efficiency of azochromophore photoorientation”, 60th Scientific Congress of PTChem, September 17-21, 2017, Wrocław
M. Łapkowski, S. Pluczyk, P. Zassowski, M. Czichy “Physicochemical characterization of bipolar organic materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications”, Ambipolar Organic Electronic Workshop, November 7-9, 2017, Katowice
M. Łapkowski, “Application of electrochemical methods to study conjugated compounds used in organic electronics”, Scientific Seminar in Wielkopolska Center of Advanced Technologies, June 26-27, 2017, Poznań
Grażyna Adamus “Aliphatic biopolyesters and their synthetic analogues in health and environmental protection”, Branch of Krakow PTChem and Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University, November 8, 2017, Krakow