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Author: Wojciech Kodrycki

On February 1, 2011, the Polish-Romanian Laboratory ADVAPOL – “Advanced polymer and biopolymer-based materials” began its operations. The aim of the established Laboratory is to conduct joint research in the field of polymers and biopolymers and materials obtained from them. The

The Central and East European Polymer Network is an informal group of polymer institutes and polymer groups affiliated with national academies of science in Central and East European countries. http://www.ceepn.org The Central and East European Polymer Network focuses its activities on research

The aim of the network was to create a platform for cooperation in the area of ​​synthesis of polymer materials with precisely defined properties. http://archives.esf.org/coordinating-research/research-networking-programmes/physical-and-engineering-sciences-pen/current-research-networking-programmes/precision-polymer-materials-p2m.html The network was created in July 2011 by scientific institutions from 10 countries, with Poland - Fonds

The Laboratory's task is to conduct joint research on the synthesis of stimuli-sensitive polymers and biopolymers and their characterization using modern physicochemical methods. The Laboratory was established on June 15, 2012 on the basis of an agreement with the Institute of

The aim of the established Laboratory is to integrate the scientific communities and equipment base of institutes from Poland and Ukraine in the area of ​​research on new materials and polymer composites, starting from their synthesis, through the characterization of

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