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Author: Wojciech Kodrycki

"Engineering and functionalization of controlled release systems of bioactive substances from Pelargonium sidoides in the treatment of inflammation caused by periodontitis" Principal Investigator: Prof. Marek Kowalczuk, PhD, DSc, Eng. Implementation period: 30.08.2017 – 30.08.2019

Innovative value chain development for sustainable plastics in Central Europe Project websites: PLASTiCE - CMPW-PAN PLASTiCE - project home page Bioplastics - National Information Point (KPI) The main goal of PLASTiCE is to promote the development and use of environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions among

“Innovative materials and nanomaterials from Polish sources of rhenium and precious metals for catalysis, pharmacy and organic electronics” Task 9. “Application of selected materials to record current-voltage characteristics (I-U) and OLED construction” Task manager dr hab. inż. Ewa Schab-Balcerzak Implementation period 01.07.2014 –

“Opracowanie i wdrożenie pierwszej polskiej niskoprofilowej zastawki aortalnej implantowanej przezskórnie” Koordynator projektu: prof. dr hab. Paweł Buszman, American Heart of Poland SA Okres realizacji projektu 01.11.2014 – 31.07.2018 Zad. 1. “Opracowanie materiału nanokompozytowego na płatki zastawki aortalnej” Kierownik zadania realizowanego w CMPW PAN prof. dr

Development and comprehensive evaluation of a biodegradable and flexible balloon-expandable intravascular stent based on thin, high-strength struts” Project coordinator dr hab. Krzysztof Milewski, American Heart of Poland SA Task manager at CMPW PAN prof. dr hab. Janusz Kasperczyk Implementation period 01.09.2015 – 28.02.2021

“Development of a highly purified form of phospholipids for use in the production of liposome-directed drug carriers, medical devices and supplements” (purePC) Project implemented in a consortium Project implementation period: 2018 – 2021 Project manager at CMPW PAN prof. Barbara Trzebicka Implementation period at

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