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Conferences en

International Conference "Polymers on the Oder 2011" POLYOR 2011, 6-7 July 2011, Opole http://polyor2011.cmpw-pan.edu.pl/ The conference was organized by CMPW PAN and the University of Opole, in cooperation with the Polymers Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava and the

4th Annual Meeting of GDRI “Catalysis for polluting emissions aftertreatment and production of renewable energies”, September 7-10, 2011, Zakopane The conference was held as part of the Polish-French (CNRS-PAN) GDRI (Groupement de Recherche International) Cooperation Program, which also includes research teams

5th Annual Meeting of GDRI “Catalysis for polluting emissions after treatment and production of renewable energies”, September 10-12, 2012, Kazimierz Dolny 5th International Conference “Catalysis for polluting emissions after treatment and production of renewable energies”, organized by the Center for Polymer

On 13-17 January 2014, the P2M Winter School Zakopane Conference took place in Zakopane. The conference was organized by the Jagiellonian University and the Centre for Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The conference was attended

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "SILESIAN MEETINGS ON POLYMER MATERIALS" POLYMAT60 On June 30 – July 1, 2014, at the "Diament" hotel in Zabrze, the international conference "Silesian Meetings on Polymer Materials" (POLYMAT60) was held, organized by the Center for Polymer and Carbon Materials

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