mgr Silke Andrä-Żmuda
Biodegradable Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 ext. 217
prof. dr hab. Grażyna Adamus
Biodegradable Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 226
dr hab. Henryk Bednarski,
prof. CMPW PAN
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 116
dr Marcelina Bochenek
Nano- and Microstructured Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 259
dr Wioleta Borzęcka
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 220
mgr Anna Celny
Nano- and Microstructured Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 195
dr inż. Paweł Chaber
Biodegradable Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 203
prof. dr hab. Piotr Dobrzyński
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 208
mgr inż. Katarzyna Filipek
Nano- and Microstructured Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 248
mgr inż. Anna Gawron
Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 166
dr inż. Paweł Gnida
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 105
dr inż. Marcin Godzierz
Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials Laboratory
Independent Microscopy Team
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 118
dr inż. Henryk Janeczek
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 121
mgr Andrzej Jankowski
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 107
dr hab. inż. Bożena Jarząbek,
prof. CMPW PAN
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 101
dr hab. Joanna Jaworska
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 151
dr hab. Katarzyna Jelonek
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 152, 163
dr inż. Bożena Kaczmarczyk
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 161
prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Kasperczyk
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 230
mgr Anastasiia Kobyliukh
Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 106
dr hab. Jolanta Konieczkowska
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 119
dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Kowalczuk,
prof. CMPW PAN
Nano- and Microstructured Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 235
prof. dr hab. inż. Marek Kowalczuk
Biodegradable Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 225
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77
dr inż. Daria Lipowska-Kur
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 257
prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Kurcok
Biodegradable Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 227
dr inż. Klaudia Kurtyka
Laboratory of Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 158
prof. dr hab. inż. Mieczysław Łapkowski
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 228
dr inż. Magdalena Martinka-Maksymiak
Biodegradable Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 217
mgr inż. Andrzej Marcinkowski
Independent Microscopy Team
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 132
dr Ruslana Mazurenko
Laboratory of Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 158
dr hab. Barbara Mendrek
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 261
dr inż. Radosław Motyka
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 114
dr Monika Musiał-Kulik
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 152, 202
dr inż. Marta Musioł
Biodegradable Materials Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 219
dr inż. Klaudia Nocoń-Szmajda
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 105
dr Natalia Oleszko-Torbus
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 248
mgr Yaroslava Oliinyk
Laboratory of Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 166
mgr inż. Karolina Olszowska
Laboratory of Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials
Independent Microscopy Team
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 260
dr inż. Łukasz Otulakowski
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 258
dr inż. Agnieszka Pająk
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 114
dr inż. Małgorzata Pastusiak
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 209
Marzena Pławszewska
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 146, 148
dr hab. Sławomira Pusz
Laboratory of Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials
Independent Microscopy Team
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 250
prof. dr hab. inż. Ewa Schab-Balcerzak
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 112
dr Theodoros Sentoukas
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 298
dr inż. Wanda Sikorska
Biodegradable Materials Laboratory
Innovation, Technology and Analysis Team
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 228
dr inż. Mariola Siwy
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 105
dr inż. Anna Smola-Dmochowska
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 209
dr hab. Michał Sobota
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 157
dr inż. Sebastian Stefaniak
Deputy Director for Administration and Economic Affairs
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 151
dr Mateusz Stojko
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 151
dr hab. inż. Urszula Szeluga,
prof. CMPW PAN
Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs
Laboratory of Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 245
dr Natalia Śmigiel-Gac
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 209
dr Viktoriia Talaniuk
Laboratory of Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 106
dr inż. Paulina Teper
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 195
prof. dr hab. Barbara Trzebicka
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 128
Elżbieta Twardowska
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 242
Agnieszka Urgacz-Kowalczuk
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 147
dr hab. Alicja Utrata-Wesołek,
prof. CMPW PAN
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 298
dr hab. inż. Wojciech Wałach,
prof. CMPW PAN
Laboratory of Nano- and Microstructured Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 259
dr inż. Jakub Włodarczyk
Laboratory of Polymer Biomedical Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 144, 209
dr inż. Paweł Wróbel
Laboratory of Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 166, 160
Doktoranci Wspólnej Szkoły Doktorskiej Politechniki Śląskiej
mgr Abhishek Thakur
Biodegradable Materials Laboratory
mgr Ayman Abdallah Ahmed Ismail
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
mgr Muhammad Faisal Amin
Functional Materials Engineering Laboratory
+ 48 32 271 60 77 w. 118
mgr Yevheniia Buinova
Carbon and Polymer-Carbon Materials Workshop
Employment for the scientific positions of assistant, assistant professor, professor of the institute and professor at the Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences
is carried out through a competition announced by the Director of the Institute.
Requirements for scientific positions:
The purpose of employment in the position of assistant is to acquire knowledge, combined with creative scientific work, necessary at the third, highest stage of education, documented by the completion of a doctoral thesis in a time not exceeding 4.5 years.
The position of assistant at the Centre for Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences may be taken up by a person who:
Has at least a professional master’s degree in the field of chemical, physical, technical or related sciences
Has the ability to plan and carry out work in the laboratory and develop the obtained results
Has mastered English to a degree that allows for free use of scientific literature and presentation of results at conferences
and seminars
Has the predispositions and strong motivation for scientific work and the predispositions for teamwork
Will undertake the implementation of a doctoral thesis at the Centre under the supervision of a Centre employee authorized to act as a supervisor in the procedure
for awarding the academic degree of doctor.
Assistant professor
The aim of the work as an assistant professor is further scientific development, and for people who do not have a postdoctoral degree, obtaining qualifications documented by a postdoctoral degree to conduct independent scientific research.
To apply for employment as an assistant professor, you must:
Have at least a doctoral degree in a field consistent with the scope of the Center’s activities
After obtaining a doctoral degree, be the author or co-author of at least four publications with a total impact factor of at least
15 in journals with at least 100 MEiN points and at least 35 MNiSW points for publications published before 2018
Be the corresponding or co-corresponding author of at least one of the above-mentioned publications
Obtain a positive assessment of the scientific activity of the last periodic assessment (applies to employees employed at the Center)
Present the opinion of two independent researchers regarding the ability to conduct scientific research
Present at a seminar at CMPW PAN an outline of research aimed at obtaining a postdoctoral degree consistent with the research topics of the Center,
if you do not have such a degree.
Institute Professor
To apply for employment as an institute professor, you must:
Have a postdoctoral degree or a scientific title
After obtaining a postdoctoral degree, be the author or co-author of at least six publications with a total impact factor of at least 30, published in journals with at least 100 MEiN points and at least 35 MNiSW points in the case of publications
created by 2018
Be the corresponding author of at least two of the above-mentioned publications
Be the project manager of a project conducted at the Centre or apply for funding for projects at the Centre from European or national funds
Serve as a supervisor in at least one procedure for awarding a doctoral degree at the Centre in the discipline of chemical sciences
Obtain a positive assessment of the scientific activity of the last periodic assessment of scientific staff (applies to persons employed at the Centre)
Present a scientific activity plan consistent with the research topics of the Centre at the meeting of the Scientific Council.
The tasks of the institute professor include in particular:
Conducting scientific work at the highest level in topics considered important for the Center
Acquiring funds for the implementation of this research
Involvement in the scientific development of the Center
Involvement in the development of the Center’s scientific staff
Striving to maintain harmonious cooperation of the Center’s research teams, in accordance with the principles of ethics in science and good scientific practice.
Employment in the position of professor is an expression of recognition of the scientific achievements of a given person, but at the same time it is an expression of expectations towards the candidate
as a researcher co-creating the shape and future of the Center through the research topics represented.
To apply for employment as a professor, you must:
Have an academic title
Supervise at least one person preparing a doctoral dissertation at the Centre in the discipline of chemical sciences and consistent with the subject of work conducted at CMPW PAN (applies to persons employed at the Centre)
Present at the meeting of the Scientific Council a plan of scientific activity aimed at developing promising research directions at the Centre
and express readiness to supervise a person who will prepare a doctoral dissertation at the Centre in the discipline of chemical sciences
(applies to persons not employed at the Centre).
The duties of a professor include in particular:
Conducting scientific work at the highest level in topics considered important for the Centre
Acquiring funds for the implementation of this research
in the scientific development of the Centre
Commitment to the development of the Centre’s scientific staff.
People employed as assistants, adjuncts, institute professors and professors are required to agree on a set of principles and arrangements
item “Good principles in science”, applied by the Committee on Ethics in Science at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
ADJUNCT competition announcement 15.11.2024
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Contact the Data Protection Officer by e-mail: ul. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 34, 41-819 Zabrze or e-mail: iod@cmpw-pan.edu.pl.
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It is possible to solve the problem by:
– e-mail contact at: iod@cmpw-pan.edu.pl.
– written contact, for help in starting at: ul. ul. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 34, 41-819 Zabrze.
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