1. M. Palewicz, T. Piasecki, A. Sikora, E. Gacka, T. Gotszalk, B. Jarząbek, P. Nitschke, P. Gnida, M. Lipiński, S. Sahayaraj, Z. Starowicz, “Identification of electrical properties of third/fourth generation solar cells in nano-, micro- and macroscale”, Book of Abstracts, XII Workshop on Applications of Scaning Probe Microscopy – STM/AFM, 2023, 94
2. B. T. Riecken, S. T. Kaysser, Z. Kállai, J. Karsten, J. Hoppe, T. Konieczny, M. Hoppe, A. Lühring, P. Bitomsky, C. A. Keun, T. Schüppstuhl, B. Fiedler ”Minimizing mechanical anisotropy in fused filament fabrication through innovative thermoset materials and additive manufacturing process”, In: SAMPE Seattle Conference Proceeding, United States, April 2023, DOI:10.33599/nasampe/s.23.0326