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“Stimuli-responsive superabsorbent plant-gum based hydrogels as drug delivery device”

W dniu 22 lutego 2023 r. (środa) o godz. 15.00 wykład pt. “Stimuli-responsive superabsorbent plant-gum based hydrogels as drug delivery device” w trybie on-line wygłosi dr Sunita Ranote z Centrum Materiałów Polimerowych i Węglowych PAN.

Dr Ranote works as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow under Horizon 2020 within Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (COFUND) at the Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze, Poland. 
Presently, she is working on synthesis of biodegradable, cost-effective multifunctional bioplastics. She started her scientific career as a PhD research fellow at HNBG University, India.
She continued her research as a Senior Research Fellow under CSIR-Emertius Scientific Scheme funded by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (India), at Depatment of Chemistry, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India. Her area of interest is interdisciplinary. She designed bio-based multifinctional materials as nanoadsorbents, polyurethane foams, nanogels, etc., and their applications as metal ions and dye adsorbents in wastewater treatment, as supersbsorbent nanogels for site-specific drug delivery, as enzyme supports and as antibacterial agents.

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