MONOGRAFIE I ROZDZIAŁY W KSIĄŻKACH 2022-12-01 0 Publikacje2018 1. W. Sikorska, M. Musioł, B. Zawidlak-Węgrzyńska, J. Rydz, Compostable polymeric ecomaterials: environment-friendly waste management alternative to landfills. In: Handbook of ecomaterials, L.M.T. Martínez, O.V. Kharissova, B.I. Kharisov, Springer International Publishing AG […]
1. G. Kokot, W. Kuś, P. Dobrzyński, M. Sobota, A. Smola, J. Kasperczyk, „A project of bioresorbable self-expanding vascular stents. The crimping process numerical simulation”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1922, 070004 2. B. Jarząbek, B. Hajduk, P. Nitschke, M. Domański, „Stabilności […]
1. K. Jelonek, P. Karpeta, J. Jaworska, M. Pastusiak, J. Włodarczyk, J. Kasperczyk, P. Dobrzyński “Comparison of extraction methods of sirolimus from polymeric coatings of bioresorbable vascular scaffolds”, Materials Letters, 2018, 214, 220-223 2. M. Dulski K. Dudek, M. Grelowski, J. […]
1. A. Alli, B. Hazer, G. Adamus, M. Kowalczuk, Chapter 3 „Telechelic Polyhydroxyalkanoates/Polyhydroxybutyrates (PHAs/PHBs)”, in: Handbook of Telechelic Polyesters, Polycarbonates, and Polyethers, Sophie M. Guillaume, 2017 by Pan Stanford, ISBN 9789814745628 2. M. Michalak, S. Jurczyk, K. Jelonek, M. Hakkarainen, […]
1. M. Musiał-Kulik, A. Smola, J. Kasperczyk, P. Dobrzyński, “Paclitaxel release from bioresorbable co- and terpolymers”, Brochure of the International Workshop on Polymer Science and Polymeric Materials, ISBN 978 80 89841 06 6, p. 34 2. W. Kajzer, J. Jaworska, […]
1. N. Pippa, A. Skandalis, S. Pispas, C. Demetzos, M. Libera, A. Marcinkowski, B. Trzebicka “Mixed lipid/polymer nanostructures: from advanced materials to drug delivery systems”, Advanced Materials Letters, 2017, 8(4), 428-434 2. W. Sikorska, M. Musioł, J. Rydz, G. Adamus, P. […]
1. A. Wolińska-Grabczyk, P. Kubica, A. Jankowski, M. Wójtowicz, J. Kansy, M. Wojtyniak „Gas and water vapor transport properties of mixed matrix membranes containing 13X zeolite”, Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 526, 334–347 2. D. Sęk, M. Siwy, J. G. Małecki, […]
“Synthesis and engineering of two dimensional materials” Prof. Mark H. RümmeliCenter for Integrated Nanostructure Physics (CINAP), Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea The lecture will take place on 19 December 2013 […]
“Block copolymers of β-butyrolactone and selected oxiranes – synthesis and properties”Marcelina Bochenek, MA “Star-shaped surfaces of poly(N,N’-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) for biological applications”Paulina Teper, MSc Eng. The seminar will be held on June 21, 2022 (Tuesday) at 11:00 a.m. in the Center’s […]
“Liquid chromatography (HPLC) – applications and research possibilities of equipment”Wojciech Wałach, PhD, DSc, Eng., Associate Professor at CMPW PAS “Microwave-assisted synthesis in the chemistry of polymer and carbon materials”Katarzyna Filipek, MSc. “Characterization of polymers by gel chromatography (SEC-MALLS) and light […]
“Functionalized bio-based materials for specialty applications” The seminar will take place on March 22, 2022 (Tuesday) at 10:00 a.m. in the lecture hall of the Center in Zabrze at 34 M. Curie-Skłodowska Street. Please report your willingness to participate in […]
“Conjugates of selected non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with 3-hydroxybutyric acid oligomers” – Barbara Zawidlak-Węgrzyńska, MSc Eng. “Polyurethanes in application for membrane separation of liquid mixtures by pervaporation. Synthesis, structure and transport properties” – Aleksandra Wolińska-Grabczyk, PhD, Eng. The seminar will be […]
“Synthesis and characterization of polymer layers obtained by the technique of “grafting from” and “grafting to” the substrate” – Dawid Szweda, MSc. “New, biodegradable poly(oligoethylene glycol methacrylate) nanoparticles for encapsulation of biologically active substances” – Radosław Kozak, MSc, Eng. “How […]
“Studies on the synthesis, structure and properties of conjugates of selected non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with 3-hydroxybutyric acid oligomers” The seminar will be held on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in the seminar room of the Center building in […]
“Industrial biomass and industrial biotechnology: an essential match” Prof. Erick Vandamme (Ghent University, Department Biochemical and Microbial Technology, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology and Biocatalysis, Belgium) The seminar will take place on October 12, 2012 at 1:30 […]
Effect of poly(ethylene glycol) linker length on the efficiency of peptide arrays as enzyme detection tools” Róża Trzcińska, MSc “Studies on oxidation processes of aliphatic polyesters and their synthetic analogues”Michał Michalak, MA The seminar will take place on November 15, […]
“Studies on the erosion of PHA blends from PBAT in selected media that are ingredients of cosmetics” – Katarzyna Wolna-Stypka, MSc “Poly(methacrylates of oligoethylene glycols) in solution and on the surface” – Dawid Szweda, MSc. The seminar will take place […]
“Propagation kinetics of water-soluble monomers” Marek Stach, PhD, Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia “Poly(2-oxazolines): preparation, properties and applications”Juraj Kronek, PhD, Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia The seminar will take place on October 24, 2013 […]
“Development of a multilayer, polymer, bioresorbable system for releasing paclitaxel – a drug to prevent restenosis” – Monika Musiał-Kulik, MSc “Synthesis and basic properties of bioresorbable shape memory polymer materials” – Anna Smola, MSc, Eng. The seminar will be held […]
“Biodegradable polymer materials as carriers of bioactive compounds” – Magdalena Maksymiak, MSc. “Methods of controlled degradation of PHA and the use of its products in the synthesis of new polymer materials” – Michał Kwiecień, MSc. The seminar will take place […]
“Polymer-peptide matrices for the detection of proteolytic enzymes” – Róża Szweda, MSc. “Poly(methacrylates of oligoethylene glycols) in solution and on the surface” – Dawid Szweda, MSc. The seminar will take place on 26 November 2014 (Wednesday) at 9.00 a.m. in […]
“Conjugates of biologically active substances with biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoate oligomers as controlled release systems for pesticides” Iwona Kwiecień, MSc Eng. “New biodegradable polymer materials based on aliphatic biopolyesters and their synthetic analogues for medical applications – synthesis and characterization” M.Sc. Michał […]
“Synthesis and Properties of Bioresorbable Shape Memory Polymer Materials” Anna Smola-Dmochowska, MSc Eng. “Biodegradable polymer materials as carriers of bioactive compounds”Magdalena Maksymiak, MSc Eng. The seminar will take place on October 29, 2015 (Thursday) at 9:00 a.m. in the seminar […]
Daria Lipowska, MSc Eng.“Synthesis and properties of thermosensitive nanoparticles” Łukasz Otulakowski“Aggregation of thermosensitive polymers and its use for encapsulation of biologically active compounds” The seminar will take place on March 31, 2016 (Thursday) at 9:00 a.m. in the seminar room […]
“Biodegradable systems for controlled release of anticancer drugs and restenosis prevention”Katarzyna Jelonek, PhD “Star polymers of methacrylates: applications in biology and medicine”Barbara Mendrek, PhD The seminar will take place on December 1, 2016 (Thursday) at 9:00 a.m. in the lecture […]
“Application of biodegradable polymer and composite materials in implanted controlled release systems of medicinal substances”Joanna Jaworska, PhD “Relationships between the structure and properties of (bio)degraded polyesters in terms of their possible applications”Joanna Rydz-Pawlak, PhD The seminar will take place on […]
“Screening of toxicity of nano metal oxides for biomedical applications” Dr. Venkatachalam RajendranDirector of Research and Development, Centre for Nano Science and Technology, Tiruchengode, India The lecture will be held on Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 12:00 in the lecture […]
“Self-assembled nanostructures from block copolymers prepared by RAFT polymerization: Applications as drug and gene nanocarriers” Dr. Stergios Pispas Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece The lecture will be held on Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 10:00 […]
“Copolymers containing 1,3,4-oxadiazole and fluorene moieties for optoelectronic applications” – Dr. Mariana-Dana Damaceanu, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Iasi “Heterocyclic copoly (peryleneimide)s. Synthesis and characterization” – Radu-Dan Rusu (PhD student) “Thermal and dielectric properties of some aromatic […]
“Oxadiazole-functionalized maleic copolymers for optoelec-tronic applications” Dr Marianna-Dana Damaceanu Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania “Study of polynaphthylimides and polyperylene imides containing fluorinated groups” PhD student Catalin-Paul CONSTANTIN Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania “From polyamidic […]
“Phosphorus and/or nitrogen-containing polymers for high performance applications” Dr. Ionela-Daniela Carja“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Department of Polycondensation and Thermostable Polymers, Iasi, Romania “Soluble aromatic polyimides with tunable properties for high performance applications”Dr. Diana Serbezeanu“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular […]
“New azopolyamideimides and azopolyesterimides: studies on the influence of chemical structure on physical properties, including photoinduced optical birefringence” The seminar will be held on March 28, 2017 (Tuesday) at 9:00 in the lecture hall of the Center in Zabrze at […]
“Carbon nanotubes – synthesis methods and applications. Study of continuous and batch processes” – MSc Eng Piotr Franczak (PhD student) “Reducing N2O emissions from nitric acid plants by decomposition using oxide catalysts” – MSc Eng Anna Piekarz “Composites of conducting […]
“Study of carbon deposits on nickel catalyst deposited on mixed cerium and zirconium oxide” – MSc Eng. Agata Łamacz “Study of catalytic decomposition of methane for obtaining hydrogen and carbon nanomaterial using mono- and bimetallic catalysts” – MSc Eng. Barbara […]
“Carbon nanohybrids as nanoreactors and nanosensors” Dr Eng. Andrzej Krztoń “Characterization of chemical surface groups on carbon nanomaterial” MSc Eng. Barbara Liszka “Studies of catalytic reactions of nitrogen oxides removal from waste gases from coal combustion and coal gasification tars […]
„Room temperature laser ablation synthesis of metal decorated boron-rich nanowires” dr Ignacio Guillermo Gonzalez Martinez „Graphene structures functionalized with Fe compounds as fillers for polymer composites. Literature study” mgr Anastasiia Kobyliukh Seminarium odbędzie się 17 stycznia 2018 r. (czwartek) o […]
“Bioresorbable, electrospun nonwoven fabrics as controlled drug release systems in anticancer therapy” “Biodegradable polymeric controlled release systems for plant protection products” The seminar will be held on February 27, 2020 (Thursday) at 9:00 a.m. in the lecture hall of the […]
“Phthalocyanine-biopolymeric nanoparticle delivery systems for breast cancer photodynamic therapy” The seminar will be held on February 16, 2021 (Tuesday) at 9:00 a.m. in the lecture hall of the Center at ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 34. Please report your willingness to participate […]
“Modified aliphatic biopolyesters for tissue engineering applications” The seminar will be held on December 7, 2021 (Tuesday) at 9:00 a.m. using Teams electronic communication.Please report your willingness to participate in the seminar by December 6 (Monday) at 1:00 p.m. to […]
“Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) – Applications and Research Possibilities of the Equipment”PhD, DSc, Eng. Wojciech Wałach, Prof. CMPW PAN “Microwave Radiation in the Chemistry of Polymer and Carbon Materials (Microwave-Assisted Synthesis)”MSc, Eng. Katarzyna Filipek “Characterization of Polymers by Gel Permeation Chromatography […]
“Block copolymers of β-butyrolactone and selected oxiranes – synthesis and properties”MSc Marcelina Bochenek “Star-shaped surfaces of poly(N,N’-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) for biological applications”MSc Eng Paulina Teper The seminar will be held on June 21, 2022 (Tuesday) at 11:00 a.m. in the lecture […]
“Polymer materials based on thermosensitive copolymers of oligoethylene glycol methacrylates for potential biomedical applications” The seminar will be held on December 15, 2022 (Thursday) at 9:00 a.m. in the lecture hall of the Center in Zabrze at ul. M. Curie-Skłodowska […]
“Polymer composites with anthracite fillers with different degrees of structural order” Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Barbara Trzebicka Associate supervisor:dr inż. Urszula Szeluga Reviewers:prof. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Rosłaniec, West Pomeranian University of Technologydr hab. inż. Janusz Datta, associate prof. PG, […]
“Degradable polymer nanoparticles as carriers of therapeutic substances” Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Dworak Co-supervisor: dr inż. Róża Szweda Reviewers: Dr hab. Teresa Basińska, prof. CBMiM PAN, Centre for Molecular and Macromolecular Research PAN Prof. dr hab. Szczepan Zapotoczny, Jagiellonian […]
“Studies of optical and electrochemical properties of selected porphyrinoid derivatives” Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. inż. Mieczysław Łapkowski Associate supervisor: Dr hab. inż. Przemysław Data Reviewers: Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Winkler, University of Białystok Dr hab. Krzysztof Miecznikowski, University of Warsaw […]
“Aggregation of thermosensitive polymers and its use for encapsulation of biologically active compounds” Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Barbara Trzebicka Co-supervisor: Dr. Eng. Dawid Szweda Reviewers: Dr. hab. Tadeusz Biela, prof. CBMiM PAN, Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Research PAN Dr. […]
“Gwieździste powierzchnie poli(metakrylanu N,N’-dimetyloaminoetylu) do zastosowań biologicznych” Promotor – dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Kowalczuk, prof. CMPW PAN Promotor pomocniczy – dr Barbara Mendrek Recenzenci:Dr hab. inż. Sławomir Kadłubowski, prof. PŁProf. dr hab. Szczepan Zapotoczny Obrona odbyła się w dniu 30 […]
“Polyimides and their composites as precursors of modern membrane materials for gas separation” Supervisor: PhD, DSc, Eng Aleksandra Wolińska-Grabczyk, prof. CMPW PAN Reviewers: Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng Dorota Neugebauer, Silesian University of TechnologyProf. PhD, DSc, Eng Marek Bryjak, Wrocław University […]
“Electrospun double-stream polyester-polyurethane nonwoven fabrics for use in hernia treatment” Supervisor – prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz KasperczykAssociate supervisor – dr Michał Sobota Reviewers:Dr hab. inż. Joanna Wolska, prof. PWrDr hab. inż. Kinga Pielichowska, prof. AGHDr hab. n. pharm. Anna […]
“Bioresorbable copolyesters intended for use in tissue engineering, synthesis and application trials” Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Piotr DobrzyńskiAssociate supervisor: dr inż. Anna Smola-Dmochowska Reviewers: Prof. dr hab. Alina SionkowskaDr hab. inż. Kinga Pielichowska, prof. AGH The public defense of the […]
“Modified aliphatic biopolyesters for tissue engineering applications” Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Grażyna Adamus ReviewersProf. dr hab. inż. Mirosława El FrayProf. dr hab. Jarosław Polański The public defense of the doctoral dissertation will take place on December 1, 2023 (Friday) at […]
“Characterization of lipid-polymer structures using cryo-TEM imaging and SAXS X-ray diffraction methods” Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Barbara TrzebickaAssociate supervisor: dr inż. Sebastian Arabasz Reviewers: Dr hab. Tadeusz Biela, prof. CBMiM PANProf. dr hab. Krzysztof Szczubiałka The defense will take place […]
“Synthesis and Characterization of New Conjugated Compounds for Applications in Optoelectronic Systems” Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Bożena Jarząbek, prof. CMPW PAN Reviewers: dr hab. Ewa Gondek, prof. PK, Cracow University of Technology dr hab. Aneta Słodek, prof. UŚ, University of […]
“Studies on the synthesis and properties of graphene oxide” Supervisor: Dr. Habil. Eng. Alicja Bachmatiuk Reviewers: Dr. Habil. Eng. Mirosława Pawlyta, prof. PŚ, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice Dr. Habil. Joanna Cybińska, University of Wrocław Defense date: March 15, […]
“Degradable polymer nanoparticles as carriers of therapeutic substances” Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Andrzej DworakAssociate supervisor: Dr. inż. Róża Szweda Reviewers: Dr. hab. Teresa Basińska prof. CBMiM PAN, Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Research PAN in ŁódźProf. dr hab. Szczepan Zapotoczny, […]
“Studies of optical and electrochemical properties of selected porphyrinoid derivatives” Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. inż. Mieczysław ŁapkowskiAssociate supervisor: Dr hab. inż. Przemysław Data Reviewers: Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Winkler, University of BiałystokDr hab. Krzysztof Miecznikowski, University of Warsaw The defense […]
“Opracowanie resorbowalnego, polimerowego systemu długotrwałego i kontrolowanego uwalniania rysperydonu w leczeniu schizofrenii” Promotor:Prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Kasperczyk Promotor pomocniczy: Dr n. farm. Artur Turek – Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach Recenzenci:Prof. dr hab. n. farm. Jerzy Pałka – Uniwersytet Medyczny […]
“The influence of chain microstructure on the hydrolytic degradation process of polyesters: lactide, glycolide and ε-caprolactone” Supervisor:prof. dr hab. Janusz Kasperczyk, Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences Reviewers:prof. dr hab. Edgar Bortel, Jagiellonian Universitydr […]
“Nowe materiały poliestrowe dla biodegradowalnych opakowań mono- i wielowarstwowych zawierające ataktyczny poli[(R, S)-3-hydroksymaślan]” Promotor:prof. dr hab. inż. Marek Kowalczuk, Centrum Materiałów Polimerowych i Węglowych, PAN Recenzenci:prof. dr hab. Mirosława El Fray, Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny, Szczecinprof. dr hab. inż. Jan Łukaszczyk, […]
“Studies on the synthesis, structure and properties of conjugates of selected non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with 3-hydroxybutyric acid oligomers” Supervisor:dr hab. Piotr Kurcok, prof. nzw. PAN, Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN Reviewers:prof. dr hab. Jarosław Polański, University of Silesia, […]
“Dendritic star copolymers of tert-butyl glycidol ether and glycidol – synthesis and properties” Supervisor:prof. dr hab. Andrzej Dworak, Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences Reviewers:prof. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Florjańczyk, Warsaw University of Technologyprof. […]
“Study of the morphology and physical properties of thin layers of polyazomethines” Supervisor:dr hab. Jan Weszka, prof. nzw. PAN, Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN Reviewers:prof. dr hab. inż. Marian Żenkiewicz, Kazimierz Wielki University, BydgoszczM. dr h.c. prof. dr […]
“Bioresorbable polycarbonates and poly(ester-carbonates): synthesis, properties and application trials” Supervisor:dr hab. Piotr Dobrzyński, prof. nzw. PAN, Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN Reviewers:prof. dr hab. inż. Gabriel Rokicki, Warsaw University of Technologyprof. dr hab. inż. Jan Łukaszczyk, Silesian University […]
“Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical investigation of phenylenevinylene derivatives with furan, thiophene, selenophene and tellurophene substituents” Supervisor:prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Łapkowski, Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences Reviewers:dr hab. Jan Weszka, prof. nzw. PANdr Pierre Audebert, […]
“Studies of the reaction of catalytic removal of nitrogen oxides from flue gases from coal combustion and coal gasification tars using a metal catalyst supported on CeZrO2“ Supervisor:Prof. Gerald Djega-Mariadassou, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris; Centre of Polymer and […]
“(Bio)degradation studies in industrial composting conditions of packaging materials based on aliphatic polyesters derived from hydroxy acids” Supervisor:Prof. Marek Kowalczuk, PhD, DSc, Eng., Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences Reviewers:PhD, DSc, Eng., Hanna Żakowska, prof. nzw. […]
“Study on the oxidation processes of aliphatic biopolyesters and their synthetic analogues” Supervisor:Dr. hab. inż. Piotr Kurcok, prof. nzw. PAN, Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN Reviewers:Prof. dr hab. inż. Jarosław Polański, University of SilesiaProf. dr hab. inż. Stefan […]
“Development of a methodology for studying polyester carbonates with shape memory using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy” Supervisor:Prof. Janusz Kasperczyk, PhD, DSc, Eng., Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences Reviewers:PhD, DSc, Eng. Mirosław Gibas, prof. nzw. Pol. […]
“Polymer-peptide arrays for the detection of proteolytic enzymes” Supervisor:Dr. hab. Barbara Trzebicka, prof. nzw. PAN, Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN, Zabrze Reviewers:Prof. dr hab. Maria Nowakowska, Jagiellonian UniversityDr. hab. inż. Mirosław Gibas, prof. nzw. Pol. Śląsk, Silesian University […]
“Poly(oligoethylene glycol methacrylates) in solution and on the surface” Supervisor:Dr. hab. Barbara Trzebicka, prof. nzw. PAN, Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN Co-supervisor:Dr. Alicja Utrata-Wesołek, Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN Reviewers:Prof. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Florjańczyk, Warsaw […]
“New thermosensitive polymer surfaces for skin cell culturing and release” Supervisor:Dr. hab. Barbara Trzebicka, prof. nzw. PAN, Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN Co-supervisor:Dr. Alicja Utrata-Wesołek, Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN Reviewers:Dr. hab. inż. Paweł Parzuchowski, prof. […]
“Development of a multilayer polymeric bioresorbable system releasing paclitaxel – a drug preventing restenosis” Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Kasperczyk Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze Silesian Medical University in Katowice Reviewers: […]
“Conjugates of biologically active substances with biodegradable oligomers of polyhydroxyalkanoates as controlled release systems for pesticides” Supervisor:Dr. hab. Grażyna Adamus, associate professor of the Polish Academy of SciencesCentre for Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Zabrze […]
“New biodegradable polymeric materials based on aliphatic biopolyesters and their synthetic analogues for applications in medicine – synthesis and characterization“ Supervisor:Dr. hab. Grażyna Adamus, associate professor of the Polish Academy of SciencesCentre for Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish […]
“Synthesis and properties of bioresorbable polymer materials with shape memory“ Supervisor:dr hab. Piotr Dobrzyński, prof. PANCentre of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN, Zabrze Reviewers:dr hab. inż. Dorota Neugebauer, prof. Pol. ŚląskSilesian University of Technology in Gliwice prof. dr hab. inż. […]
“Biodegradable polymeric materials as carriers of bioactive compounds“ Supervisor:dr hab. Grażyna Adamus, prof. PANCentre of Polymer and Carbon Materials PAN in Zabrze Reviewers:dr hab. inż. Dorota Neugebauer, prof. Pol. Śląsk, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew […]
“Polymer composites with anthracite fillers with different degrees of structural ordering“ Supervisor:prof. dr hab. Barbara Trzebicka, CMPW PAN Associate supervisor:dr inż. Urszula Szeluga, CMPW PAN Reviewers:prof. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Rosłaniec, West Pomeranian University of Technology dr hab. inż. Janusz […]
“Study of the influence of porous material particles on gas transport in heterogeneous membranes” Supervisor: dr hab. Aleksandra Wolińska-Grabczyk, prof. PAN Reviewers: prof. dr hab. Michał Bodzek dr hab. Wojciech Kujawski, prof. UMK Defense of doctoral dissertation on 9.12.2016 at […]
“New azopolyamideimides and azopolyesterimides: studies on the influence of chemical structure on physical properties, including photoinduced optical birefringence“ Supervisor:Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Ewa Schab-Balcerzak Co-supervisor:PhD, Eng. Anna Kozanecka-Szmigiel Reviewers: Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Małgorzata Zagórska, Warsaw University of Technology Prof. […]
“Synthesis and modification of polyimides for membrane gas separation“ Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Aleksandra Wolińska-Grabczyk, prof. nadwy. PAN Reviewers: dr hab. Wojciech Kujawski, prof. UMK prof. dr hab. Marek Bryjak, Warsaw University of Technology The defense of the doctoral dissertation […]
“Thermosensitive star-shaped polymethacrylates – in solution and on the surface“ Supervisor: Dr. hab. Eng. Agnieszka Kowalczuk, CMPW PAN Reviewers: Prof. dr hab. Szczepan Zapotoczny, Jagiellonian University Dr. hab. Melania Bednarek, Centre for Molecular and Macromolecular Research PAN The defense of […]
“Block copolymers of β-butyrolactone and selected oxiranes – synthesis and properties” Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Wojciech WałachAssociate supervisor: dr Natalia Oleszko-Torbus Reviewers: dr hab. Marzena Białek, prof. UO, University of Opoledr hab. inż. Katarzyna Jaszcz, prof. PŚ, Silesian University of […]
“Starry surfaces of poly(N,N’-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) for biological applications” Supervisor: dr hab. inż. Agnieszka KowalczukAssociate supervisor: dr Barbara Mendrek Reviewers: dr hab. inż. Sławomir Kadłubowski, prof. PŁ, Lodz University of Technologyprof. dr hab. Szczepan Zapotoczny, Jagiellonian University Date of commencement: 05.07.2016 […]
International Conference “Polymers on the Oder 2011” POLYOR 2011, 6-7 July 2011, Opole http://polyor2011.cmpw-pan.edu.pl/ The conference was organized by CMPW PAN and the University of Opole, in cooperation with the Polymers Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava […]
4th Annual Meeting of GDRI “Catalysis for polluting emissions aftertreatment and production of renewable energies”, September 7-10, 2011, Zakopane The conference was held as part of the Polish-French (CNRS-PAN) GDRI (Groupement de Recherche International) Cooperation Program, which also includes research […]
IV International Scientific and Technical Conference “Future of Biodegradable Packaging”, September 27, 2011, Warsaw http://www.cobro.org.pl/images/stories/doc/2012-konf/www-4biokonf-pl.pdf The conference was organized by the Central Research and Development Center for Packaging COBRO in Warsaw and the Center for Polymer and Carbon Materials of […]
On June 3, 2023, the Center for Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences participated in the Family Fest organized by the School and Kindergarten Complex with demonstrations introducing the world of chemistry. The employees of the […]
“Polyimides and their composites as precursors of modern membrane materials for gas separation” Supervisor: PhD, DSc, Eng Aleksandra Wolińska-Grabczyk Reviewers: Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng Dorota Neugebauer, Silesian University of TechnologyProf. PhD, DSc, Eng Marek Bryjak, Wrocław University of TechnologyProf. PhD, […]
“pH-czułe systemy kontrolowanego uwalniania związków biologicznie aktywnych” Promotor – prof. dr hab. inż. Piotr Kurcok Recenzenci:Prof. dr hab. inż. Elżbieta PamułaProf. dr hab. Jarosław PolońskiDr hab. inż. Ilona Wandzik, prof. PŚ Data wszczęcia – 07.09.2022r. Nadanie stopnia doktora nauk ścisłych […]
“Electrospun double-stream polyester-polyurethane nonwoven fabrics for applications in hernia treatment” Supervisor – prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz KasperczykAuxiliary supervisor – dr Michał Sobota Reviewers:Dr hab. inż. Joanna Wolska, prof. PWrDr hab. inż. Kinga Pielichowska, prof. AGHDr hab. n. pharm. Anna […]
“Bioresorbable copolyesters intended for use in tissue engineering, synthesis and application trials” Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Piotr DobrzyńskiAssociate supervisor: dr inż. Anna Smola-Dmochowska Reviewers:Prof. dr hab. Alina SionkowskaDr hab. inż. Kinga Pielichowska, prof. AGH Date of commencement: 11.03.2016 Awarding of […]
“Nanostructured Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes for Advanced High-Performance Electrochemical Supercapacitors” The seminar will take place on September 18, 2024 (Wednesday) at 11:00 a.m. in the lecture hall of the Center in Zabrze at 34 M. Curie-Skłodowska Street. Seminar announcement
“Polyimides and their composites as precursors of modern membrane materials for gas separation” “Dye photovoltaic cells – the influence of the structure taking into account the type of dye on photovoltaic parameters” The seminar will be held on February 6, […]
“Preparation and physicochemical properties of azopolyimides, including studies of photoinduced trans-cis-trans isomerization and photomechanical effect” The seminar will take place on September 15, 2020 (Tuesday) at 9:00 a.m. in the lecture hall of the Center in Zabrze at 34 M. […]
“Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical studies of election interactions in donor-acceptor-donor (D-A-D) and donor-acceptor (D-A) systems” The seminar will take place on February 9, 2021 (Tuesday) at 10:00 a.m. in the lecture hall of the Center in Zabrze at 34 M. Curie-Skłodowska […]
Dr. Pallavi Kumari “Block copolymer self-assembly for optoelectronics” M.Sc. Muhammad Faisal Amin „Optimization of dyes sensitized solar cells based on phenothiazine derivatives” Seminarium odbędzie się 6 grudnia 2022 r. (wtorek) o godz. 11:00 w sali wykładowej Centrum w Zabrzu przy […]
Dr. Sunita Ranote“Green adsorbent from pine needles biowaste for dye removal application” Rich’s MSc“Synthesis and electrochemical properties of aromatic perimidine derivatives” The seminar will take place on December 18, 2023 (Monday) at 10:00 a.m. in the lecture hall of the […]
Jakub Włodarczyk, MSc.“Electrospun Bi-Jet Polyester-Polyurethane Nonwovens for Hernia Treatment Applications” Paweł Gnida, MSc Eng.“Dye cells: analysis of selected material and construction aspects” The seminar will take place on October 18, 2023 (Wednesday) at 10:00 a.m. in the lecture hall of […]
Dr. Sunita Ranote“Green adsorbent from pine needles biowaste for dye removal application” Rich’s MSc“Synthesis and electrochemical properties of aromatic perimidine derivatives” The seminar will take place on December 18, 2023 (Monday) at 10:00 a.m. in the lecture hall of the […]
Silke Andrä, MSc “Biodegradable aliphatic copolyesters of glycerin and sebacic acid – synthesis and characterization” Kamil Dawid, MSc Eng.“Biodegradable Micellar Fungicide Delivery Systems” The seminar will take place on June 12, 2024 (Wednesday) at 09:00 a.m. in the lecture hall […]
Andrzej Sikora, PhD, DSc, Eng.“New materials and optoelectronic structures – possibilities of submicron diagnostics in the Department of Nanometrology” Marcin Palewicz, PhD“Third generation solar cells/ETL and HTL materials – micro and nano approaches” The seminar will take place on July […]
dr Catalin-Paul Constantin“Novel polyamides incorporating modified triphenylamine moiety with enhanced electrochromic parameters” dr Radu-Dan Rusu“Suzuki polycondensation put to work: fluorene-based, light-emitting polymers with high molecular mass” Seminarium odbędzie się 29.09.2022 r. (czwartek) o godz. 10:00 w sali wykładowej Centrum w […]
Prof. Natalia Toncheva-MonchevaInstitute of Polymers Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia“Original synthesis of a nucleolipid for preparation of vesicular spherical nucleic acids” Seminarium odbędzie się 26.10.2022 r. (środa) o godz. 10:00 w sali wykładowej Centrum w Zabrzu przy ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej […]
Prof. Emi HaladjovaInstitute of Polymers Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia“Mixed polymeric micelles: a platform for preparation of biocompatible and effective antibiofilm agents” The seminar will be given on Thursday, November 23, 2023 at 10:00 in the lecture room of the […]
Dr. Katya Kamenova-StoyanovaInstitute of Polymers Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia“Preparation of polymeric nanocarriers for controlled drug delivery”. The seminar will be given on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 10:00 in the lecture room of the Centre in Zabrze, M. Curie-Skłodowskiej […]
Dr. Adrian Cernescuneaspec – attocube systems AG, Haar-Munich, Germany“Nano-chemical mapping and IR-nanoscopy on polymers and biomaterials”. The seminar will be given on Monday, June 24, 2024 at 11:00 in the lecture room of the Centre in Zabrze, M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 34. […]
Dr. Peter PolyakCollege of Food, Agricultural & Environmental SciencesDepartment of Food, Agricultural & Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University“Estimation of the average molecular weight of microbial polyesters from Mid-IR spectra using artificial neural network-based mathematical models.” The seminar will be given on Wednesday, […]
Dr. Erminta TsoukoThe National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece“Production of Biobased Products within a Biorefinery Approach” The seminar will be given on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 10:00 am in the lecture room of the Centre in Zabrze, M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 34 Ogłoszenie […]
Prof. Axel Müller, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, “Tapered block and multiblock copolymers via statistical anionic copolymerization” Prof. Rainer Haag, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, “Multifunctional Polyglycerols Synthesis and Biomedical Applications” Prof. Stergios Pispas, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece,”Thermoresponsive linear […]
Maria Karayianni, Ph.D. – Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece“Hybrid polymer-based nanostructures with potential for bioapplications” Prof. Stergios Pispas – Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece“Thermo- and multiresponsive copolymer nanostructures” The lectures […]
“Stimuli-responsive superabsorbent plant-gum based hydrogels as drug delivery device” W dniu 22 lutego 2023 r. (środa) o godz. 15.00 wykład pt. “Stimuli-responsive superabsorbent plant-gum based hydrogels as drug delivery device” w trybie on-line wygłosi dr Sunita Ranote z Centrum Materiałów […]
INVITATIONAL LECTURES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AND INVITATIONAL LECTURES AT CONFERENCES – 2013 M. Lapkowski “Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical method in the study of conjugated polymers”, 3rd International Week, May 6-11, 2013, Denizli, Pamukkale University, Turkey M. Lapkowski, P. Data, W. Domagala […]
INVITATIONAL LECTURES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AND INVITATIONAL LECTURES AT CONFERENCES – 2014 G. Adamus, I. Kwiecień, M. Maksymiak, I. Radecka, M. Kowalczuk “Novel synthetic approaches and opportunities for bioactive polyhydroxyalkanoates”, The 1st ISBPPB Annual Conference & Exposition, July 9-12, 2014, […]
INVITATIONAL LECTURES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AND INVITATIONAL LECTURES AT CONFERENCES – 2015 M. Kowalczuk “Mass spectrometry aimed at sequence analysis of natural and synthetic biodegradable macromolecules”, International Summit on Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, July 2015 New Orleans, USA M. […]
INVITATIONAL LECTURES OF RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS AND INVITATIONAL LECTURES AT CONFERENCES – 2016 M. Kowalczuk “Resorbable Fibrous Polymers in Terms of Forensic Engineering of Advanced Polymeric Materials”, CIMTEC 2016, 5th International Conference “Smart and Multifunctional Materials Structures & Systems” June 5-9, […]
INVITATIONAL LECTURES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AND INVITATIONAL LECTURES AT CONFERENCES – 2017 P. Dobrzyński “Application of biodegradable terpolymers with shape memory properties as a material for formation vascular stents by injection molding method”, Forum on Polymeric Biomaterials, Taishan Academic Forum, […]
INVITATIONAL LECTURES OF RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS AND INVITATIONAL LECTURES AT CONFERENCES – 2018 J. Rydz “What lies ahead of environmentally friendly polymeric materials from the viewpoint of 3D processing”, 27th Leobener Kunststoff-Kolloquium “Print & Coat – Polymere in Druck und Beschichtungstechnologien”, […]
INVITATIONAL LECTURES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AND INVITATIONAL LECTURES AT CONFERENCES – 2019 A. Dworak, “Some biomedical applications of temperature responding polymers”, Symposium on Innovative Polymers for the Nanomedicine of the 21st Century, Jena, Germany, 15-17.07.2019 A. Dworak, “Stimuli responsive polymers […]
INVITATIONAL LECTURES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AND INVITATIONAL LECTURES AT CONFERENCES – 2020 M. Kowalczuk, G. Adamus, I. Radecka, “Forensic engineering of advanced polymeric biomaterials”, ACS Spring 2020 National Meeting & Expo, 22-26.03.2020, Philadelphia, USA, online M. Kowalczuk, “Sustainable Packaging and […]
INVITATIONAL LECTURES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AND INVITATIONAL LECTURES AT CONFERENCES – 2021 K. Jelonek, M. Jurczyk, M. Musiał-Kulik, R. Smolarczyk, M. Jarosz-Biej, T. Cichoń, A. Orchel, B. Kaczmarczyk, S. Li, J. Kasperczyk “Biodegradable micelles for targeted delivery of anticancer drugs”, […]
LECTURES AT THE INVITATION OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS AND LECTURES BY INVITATION AT CONFERENCES – 2022 M. Kowalczuk, “Polymer materials and environmental protection – current situation and where we are going”, IV National Scientific Conference “Environmental protection – solutions and perspectives”, […]
5th Annual Meeting of GDRI “Catalysis for polluting emissions after treatment and production of renewable energies”, September 10-12, 2012, Kazimierz Dolny 5th International Conference “Catalysis for polluting emissions after treatment and production of renewable energies”, organized by the Center for […]
5th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Future of Bioplastic Packaging”, October 16-17, 2012, Warsaw http://www.cobro.org.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=207&Itemid=169&lang=pl
III International PLASTiCE Conference “The Future of Bioplastics”, October 1-2, 2013, Warsaw http://www.cobro.org.pl/index.php?option=com_content&;view=article&id=234&lang=pl&Itemid=163 The Conference was attended by over 120 participants from 18 countries. The first day of the conference was an opportunity to present the achievements of the PLASTiCE […]
1. B. Sahraoui, Z. Sofiani, A. Migalska, I. Kityk, S. Tkaczyk, J. Berdowski, J. Fillaut, J. Perruchon, “Design and synthesis of C60 -TTF and ruthenium oligothienylacetylide complexes: new nanosized materials for nonlinear photo induced effects”, Proceedings of International Conference on […]
1. W. Turek, M. Łapkowski, J. Dębiec, A. Stolarczyk, “The chemisorption of oxygen on the polymeric catalysts doped with hereopolyacids – the EPR studies”, Ann. Pol. Chem. Soc., 3, 544-546 (2004). 2. W. Turek, M. Łapkowski, J. Dębiec, A. Krowiak, […]
1. A. Czardybon, J. Żak, M. Łapkowski, “Synthesis, Electrochemical and Spectroelectrochemical Properties of Viologen Derivative of PEDOT”, Polish J. Chem., 78 (2004) 1533-1541. 2. A. Dworak, B. Trzebicka, W. Wałach, A. Utrata, Ch.B. Tsvetanov, “Novel reactivethermosensitive polyethers – the control […]
1. T. Pustelny, I. Zielonka, C. Tyszkiewicz, B. Pustelny, J. Jurusik „Technology of optical Bragg’s gratings on planar waveguides for acoustooptic applications”, Molecular and Quantum Acoustics, 2005, 26, 217. 2. J. Jaglarz, Ł. Zięba, J. Cisowski, J. Jurusik „Własności optyczne […]
1. M. J. Noga, J. J. Lewandowski, P. Suder, J. Silberring „An enhanced method for peptides sequencing by N-terminal derivatization and MS”, Proteomics, 2005, 5, 4367. 2. A. Iwan, D. Sęk, J. Kasperczyk „Characterization and photoluminescence study of blue and […]
1. E. Schab-Balcerzak „Modifications of epoxy resins’ properties”, Frontal Polymer Research, Ed. Robert K. Bregg, Publ. by Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2006, 65-106, ISBN 1-59454-436-0. 2. A. Wolińska-Grabczyk, A. Jankowski „Wpływ obecności węgla aktywnego w membranach polimerowych na […]
1. M. Krzesińska, B. Pilawa, S. Pusz, J. Ng „Biologiczne prekursory dla tzw. “drewnianych” ceramik (woodceramics) – otrzymywanie i właściwości”, Inżynieria Materiałowa, 2006, 27 (1), 32. 2. A. Orchel, K. Jelonek, J. Kasperczyk, I. Molin, J. Wawszczyk, L. Węglarz, I. […]
1. M. Siwy, D. Sęk, B. Kaczmarczyk, I. Jaroszewicz, A. Nasulewicz, M. Pelczyńska, D. Nevozhay, A. Opolski „Synthesis and in vitro antileukemic activity of some new 1,3-(oxytetraethylenoxy)cyclotriphophazene derivatives”, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2006, 49, 806. 2. J. Kasperczyk, K. Jelonek, […]
1. F. Czechowski, A. Marzec, S. Czajkowska „Tworzenie się wodoru na drodze niskotemperaturowego utleniania węgla kopalnego z powietrza”, Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi, Wydawnictwo IGSMiE PAN Kraków, 2007, 23, 61. 2. B. Hajduk, J. Weszka, B. Jarząbek, J. Jurusik, M. Domański „Physical […]
1. I. Dimitrov, B. Trzebicka, A. H. E. Müller, A. Dworak, Ch. B. Tsvetanov „Thermo-sensitive water-soluble copolymers with doubly responsive reversibly interacting entities”, Progress in Polymer Science, 2007, 32, 1275. 2. M. Krzesińska, A. Tórz, J. Zachariasz, J. Muszyński, J. […]
1. A. Krztoń „Katalizatory reformingu aerozoli smołowych zawartych w gazach ze zgazowania węgla”, Czysta energia, produkty chemiczne i paliwa z węgla – ocena potencjału rozwojowego, 222-226, Wyd. IChPW, Red. T. Borowiecki, J. Kijeński, J. Machnikowski, M. Ściążko, Zabrze 2008, ISBN […]
1. A. Wolińska-Grabczyk, B. Kaczmarczyk, A. Jankowski „Investigations of hydrogen bonding in the poly(urethane-urea)-based membrane materials by using FTIR spectroscopy”, Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 2008, 10, 53. 2. E. Kozłowski, E. Krop, B. Trzebicka „Co powinniśmy wiedzieć o biodieslu?”, […]
1. A. Iwan, D. Sek „Processible polyazomethines and polyketanils: From aerospace to light-emitting diodes and other advanced applications”, Progress in Polymer Science, 2008, 33, 289. 2. M. Lewandowski, Z. Sarbak „Simultaneous HDS and HDN over supported PtSn catalysts in comparison […]
1. E. Schab-Balcerzak, Nowe polimery fotochromowe zawierające ugrupowania azobenzenowe: synteza, wybrane właściwości oraz badania fotoindukowanej anizotropii optycznej, Zabrze, 2009, ISBN 978-83-926523-1-1. 2. E. Grabiec, E. Schab-Balcerzak, B. Jarzabek, W. Domagala, A. Iwan, Chapter 8 „New conjugated polyimides with special architecture: Photoluminescence of violet, blue and […]
1. B. Jarząbek „Wpływ temperatury na własności optyczne cienkich warstw poliazometin w obszarze krawędzi absorpcji”, Nauka i przemysł – metody spektroskopowe w praktyce, nowe wyzwania i możliwości, Praca zbiorowa, Z. Hubicki [red.], Uniw. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie, Lublin 2009, str. 352-355, (ISBN 978-83-227-2934-2). 2. M. Palewicz, A. Iwan, J. Doskocz, W. Stręk, […]
1. P. Kurcok, M. Kawalec, B. Zawidlak-Węgrzyńska, G. Adamus, M. M. Kowalczuk „Poli(3-hydroksymaślan) jako nośnik w systemach kontrolowanego uwalniania leków”, Chemik Nauka-Technika-Rynek, 2009, 62 (2), 50. 2. A. Łamacz, A. Krztoń „Reforming parowy toluenu na katalizatorze Ni/CeZrO2”, Karbo, 2009, 1, 15. 3. M. M. Kowalczuk „Research works on biodegradable polymers”, […]
1. M. Adamowska, A. Krztoń, M. Najbar, J. Camra, G. Djéga-Mariadassou, P. Da Costa „Ceria-zirconia-supported rhodium catalyst for NOx reduction from coal combustion flue gases”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009, 90, 535. 2. G. Adamus „Molecular level structure of (R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate/(R,S)-3-hydroxy-4-ethoxybutyrate copolyesters with dissimilar architecture”, Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 4547. […]
1. J. Weszka Chapter 6 „Thin films of aromatic polyazomethines”, Polymer Thin Films (Ed. A. A. Hashim), In-Tech, Vukovar, Croatia, 2010, 93-109, ISBN 978-953-307-059-9. 2. A. Dworak, A. Utrata-Wesołek, A. Kowalczuk, B. Trzebicka, P. Weda, M. Jamróz-Piegza „Termoczułe polietery – struktury i funkcje”, Materiały polimerowe `2010” (Red. T. Spychaj, S. Spychaj), […]
1. . Wolna-Stypka, J. Rydz, A. Marcinkowski, M. Kowalczuk, „Badania przydatności folii z PLA i PLA-SiOx w przemyśle kosmetycznym”, V Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „NAUKA I PRZEMYSŁ” Tom 1, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Krakowskiej im. Tadeusza Kościuszki, Kraków 2010, 169-176 (ISBN 978-83-7242-578-2).
1. A. Jaros, A. Smola, J. Kasperczyk, P. Dobrzyński, „Biodegradowalne polimery z pamięcią kształtu do zastosowań medycznych” („Biodegradable shape memory polymers for medical purposes”), Chemik Nauka-Technika-Rynek, 2010, 64 (2), 87. 2. A. Turek, J. Kasperczyk, Z. Dzierżewicz, „Zastosowanie kolagenu w technologii postaci leku. Osiągnięcia i perspektywy”, („Collagen application […]
1. A. Mendrek, S. Mendrek, H.-J. Adler, A. Dworak, D. Kuckling „Amphiphilic behaviour of poly(glycidol)-based macromonomers and its influence on homo-polymerisation in water and in water/benzene mixture”, Polymer, 2010, 51, 342. 2. M. Krzesińska, J. Majewska „The development and characterization of novel chitosan/ carbonised yucca (Yucca flaccida) bio-composite”, […]
1. M. Krzesińska, J. Majewska, Biomorficzne materiały węglowe i węglowo-polimerowe, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Śląsk, Katowice, 2011, 116 stron, (ISBN 978-83-7164-678-2). 2. A. Dworak, B. Trzebicka, A. Utrata-Wesołek „Polimery inteligentne”, Misja Nauk Chemicznych pod redakcją B. Marcińca, Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, Poznań, […]
1. Ł. Smędowski, M. Krzesińska, Additivity of structural parameters determined for cokes prepared from coal blends, Proc. 63th Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP), Porto, Portugal, 2011, 23. 2. M. Krzesińska, Ł. Smędowski, U. Szeluga, J. […]
1. Ł. Smędowski, M. Krzesińska, S. Duber, M. Pawlyta, „Charakterystyka mikrotekstury koksów wytworzonych z mieszanek węgli dwu- i trójskładnikowych przeprowadzona za pomocą mikroskopii elektronowej”, Karbo, 2011, 2, 74. 2. M. Krzesińska, J. Majewska, S. Pusz, „Poszukiwanie nowych kompozytów węgiel-węgiel na bazie węglowych porowatych kształtek z koksów i […]
1. Z. Mazurak, M. Czaja, R. Lisiecki, J. Gabryś-Pisarska „Optical properties of the Tm3+ and energy transfer between Tm3+→Pr3+ ions in P2O5-CaO-SrO-BaO phosphate glass”, Optical Materials, 2011, 33, 506. 2. A. Kowalczuk, E. Stoyanova, V. Mitova, P. Denkova, G. Momekov, D. Momekova, N. Koseva; „Star-Shaped Nano-Conjugates […]
1. G. Adamus, M. Kowalczuk „Elucidation of reaction mechanisms – Other polymerization mechanisms”, Mass Spectrometry in Polymer Chemistry (Ed. Ch. Barner-Kowollik, T. Gruendling, J. Falkenhagen, S. Weidner), Viley-VCH, Weinheim, 2012, 405-436, (ISBN 978-3-527-32924-3) 2. G. Adamus, W. Sikorska, J. Rydz, M. Musioł, K. Wolna-Stypka, M. Maksymiak, I. Kwiecień, […]
1. A. Łamacz, A. Krztoń “Hydrogen production by catalytic decomposition of selected hydrocarbons and H2O dissociation over CeZrO2 and Ni/CeZrO2” International Conference on Hydrogen Production (ICH2P – 2012), 24-27.06.2012, Seoul, Korea Południowa, (Proceedings on CD) 2. A. Łamacz, A. Krztoń […]
1. Ł. Smędowski, M. Krzesińska „Wpływ właściwości plastycznych mieszanek węglowych na strukturę otrzymanych koksów”, Karbo, 2012, 1, 30 2. A. Dworak, B. Trzebicka, A. Kowalczuk, A. Utrata-Wesołek, W. Wałach, M. Libera, J. Kronek “Termoczułe polimery gwieździste — synteza i właściwości”, Polimery 2012, 57(6), 441 3. A. Buszman, […]
1. A. Łamacz, B. Liszka, A. Krztoń, S. Czajkowska “Highly reactive CNTs and CNFs obtained on Ni/CeZrO2 via CO disproportionation and CH4 decomposition” Carbon 2013 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia 14-19.07.2013, str. 168 2. A. Lamacz, A. Krzton “CH4 conversion to syngas over […]
1. M. Musiał-Kulik, K. Gębarowska, H. Janeczek, M. Pastusiak, J. Kasperczyk, P. Dobrzyński “Radiation sterilization of bioresorbable copolymers with the cytostatic drug”, Engineering of Biomaterials / Inżynieria Biomateriałów, 2013, 16(118), 18-22 2. A. Turek, J. Kasperczyk, K. Jelonek, P. Dobrzyński, J. Walichiewicz, K. […]
1. P. Data, M. Lapkowski, R. Motyka, J. Suwinski “Influence of alkyl chain on electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of polyselenophenes”, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 87, 438 2. U. Szeluga, P. Moryc, “Viscoelastic properties and morphology of dicyanate ester/epoxy co-polymers modified with polysiloxane […]
1. I. Krucińska, T. Biela, M. Kowalczuk, M. Puchalski „Charakterystyka surowców biodegradowalnych stosowanych w projekcie”, [w:] Biodegradowalne wyroby włókniste (Pod redakcją Izabelli Krucińskiej z zespołem), Monografia Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2014, 16-27, ISBN 978-83-7283-639-7 2. I. Krucińska, K. Majchrzycka, W. Strzembosz, M. Musioł, […]
1. B. Jarząbek „Zastosowanie spektroskopii UV-VIS-NIR(T) do badań stabilności termicznej warstw polimerowych” [w:] Materiały Konferencyjne „Nauka i przemysł – metody spektroskopowe w praktyce, nowe wyzwania i możliwości”, red. Zbigniew Hubicki, Lublin 2014, tom 1, str. 469-472 (ISBN 978-83-939465-2-5 – tom.1, […]
1. M. Kowalczuk, P. Kurcok, M. Kawalec, M. Sobota, M. Michalak, M. Kwiecień “New generation of the polymeric packaging materials susceptable to organic recycling”, CHEMIK, 2014, 68(8), 679-691 2. N. Ioannides, E. B. Chunga, A. Bachmatiuk, I. G. Gonzalez-Martinez, B. Trzebicka, […]
1. A. Kowalczuk, R. Trzcinska, B. Trzebicka, A. H. E. Müller, A. Dworak, Ch. B. Tsvetanov „Loading of polymer nanocarriers: Factors, mechanisms and applications”, Progress in Polymer Science, 2014, 39, 43-86 2. M. Pastusiak, P. Dobrzynski, J. Kasperczyk, A. Smola, H. Janeczek “Synthesis of […]
1. J. Rydz, B. Zawidlak-Węgrzyńska, D. Christova, Degradable Polymers. In: Encyclopedia of Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials, M.K. Mishra (Ed.), CRC Press: 2015, DOI: 10.1081/E-EBPP-120051258; ISBN 9781439898796 2. J. Rydz, M. Musioł, H. Janeczek, 5 Thermal Analysis in the Study […]
1. M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, K. Christanis, J. Hower, S. Kalaitzidis, J. O’Keefe, M. Marques, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N. Wagner, D. Životić, „A New Approach to Classifying Altered and Newly Formed Particles as a Result of Self-Heating and Self-Combustion Processes (International Committee for Coal and […]
1. I. Stoycheva, B. Tsyntsarski, B. Petrova, T. Budinova, N. Petrov, B. Nagel, U. Szeluga, „ Uptake of the ethyl acetate from ethyl acetate – water mixture by activated carbons from biomass and polymer waste”, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 1, 29-32 […]
1. A. Kozanecka-Szmigiel, J. Konieczkowska, D. Szmigiel, K. Switkowski, M. Siwy, P. Kuszewski, E. Schab-Balcerzak „Photoinduced birefringence of novel azobenzene poly(esterimide)s; the effect of chromophore structure and excitation conditions”, Dyes and Pigments, 2015, 114, 151-157 2. M. Krok-Borkowicz, O. Musial, P. Kruczala, […]
1. B. Jarząbek, M. Domański, B. Hajduk, J. Jurusik, „Właściwości optyczne cienkich warstw poliazometin tiofenowych”, [w:] Materiały Konferencyjne „Nauka i przemysł – metody spektroskopowe w praktyce, nowe wyzwania i możliwości”, red. prof. Zbigniew Hubicki, Lublin 2016, ISBN 978-83-945225-0-6, tom 1, […]